Help with Internet Channel


WiiChat Member
Jul 18, 2011
Hello- I'm a tech newbie having a problem with my Wii. I'm trying to help my son get on the Internet Channel. Our Wii is a few years old and we just set up wireless internet in the house. The computers in the house work fine, and he's even playing Mariocart online through the Wii but we can't get the Internet Channel to download no matter how many times we try.

I don't know any Wii-speak so can anyone walk me through how to fix this "Wii for Dummies" style?


Are you getting any sort of error message?

Have you been able to download any other items from the Shopping Channel?
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Skippy- Thanks for the reply. We tried it again and this time it took- not sure why.

A couple of other quick questions:

1. We tried to view Youtube on the Wii but the videos were choppy- is that because the Wii doesnt have much memory?

2. A site my son wants to visit requires Falsh Player. Can you download that to the Wii or it not set up for that? I don't want to mess up the Wii in any way.

Thanks for your help!
Skippy- Thanks for the reply. We tried it again and this time it took- not sure why.

A couple of other quick questions:

1. We tried to view Youtube on the Wii but the videos were choppy- is that because the Wii doesnt have much memory?

Generally youtube should stream ok. But it can depend on the speed of your internet connection, bandwidth congestion at the time, or any number of other things so it's hard to pinpoint anything exactly. Is it consistently choppy with all video? If you try later is the same thing happening?

2. A site my son wants to visit requires Falsh Player. Can you download that to the Wii or it not set up for that? I don't want to mess up the Wii in any way.

The Wii's browser has a built in Flash player, but it's not the current version so it won't work with some sites that require a newer version. There's no way to upgrade it yourself, that's something Nintendo has to do and they rarely update the browser, so it's unlikely that situation will change anytime soon, if ever (maybe on the Wii U).

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