Heroes Trailer


A li'l bit different
May 17, 2006
Cornwall, UK
Wii Online Code
I've done a quick search of the forums, and I haven't found this anywhere.

Has anybody heard of Heroes? This is the trailer:

I quite like the visual styling. Just wondering how it will play...
That looks pretty sweet. I've never heard of it before but this is gonna be one to keep an eye on. Oh, and what with the light saber type thing?
JCpackers05 said:
wow this game looks pretty sweet yo....and it should be pretty good on the Wii....but i would hope that the colors and stuff arent like they are in the trailer.
Your kidding me? I hope THEY WILL keep the same colors, it give it style!
The game look so great! Wow! One more game ill have to buy :p
Light saber rip off ftw.

Oh and did anyone notice how huge those guys' guns are? His revolver is like twice the size of his face.
slurba said:
Light saber rip off ftw.

Oh and did anyone notice how huge those guys' guns are? His revolver is like twice the size of his face.
This dont look like a light saber to me..it look like a Saw, and even so, its not because the first place where we seen them was a certain movie that all others after are gimmicks ... and the gun is part of the style. Anyway. This game look great and I know a lot of ppl who dont understand the style will criticize it without even taking time to see if the game look fun.
I just had to up this for all to see because I just saw this trailer myself, awesome, I can't wait for more info...
Yeah I saw this about a month ago, thought it looked pretty sweet AT FIRST, but from this and the "Hey you're ranked xxx why not take out the xxx above you and aim for number 1" it sounds like a straight beatem up DOA etc, one of the most pointless genres ever made imo.
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NeMeZyZ said:
soooo oollddd i've seen this, i WAS gonna post it, but it didn't say ANYTHING about being on the wii so i ddin't post it....
If you cross reference it with wikipedia, you'll find it is on the release list: Source

Another list of games is in the wikipedia entry: Here
wow thank you squal, and u helped me without flaming and i'm NOT being sarcastic, ur a kind fella, but that games looks crazy the way homeboi got his head chopped n severed

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