how to set up wi-fi


wii owner
May 26, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hi i am getting a Linksys WRT54G-UK Wireless-G 54MBPS Broadband Router and wondering if it works with nitendo ds.... how is it set up... at the moment i have a broadband cable modem( no ethernet)i have a spare ethernet port.

can i go keep my modem plugged in my computer and just connect my router to the ethernet port in the modem?
that will probably work

but i think i would hook the router up to the modem and then the pc to the router to fully share the internet connection, most wireless routers also have a couple wired ports
phimuajedi69 said:
that will probably work

but i think i would hook the router up to the modem and then the pc to the router to fully share the internet connection, most wireless routers also have a couple wired ports

that is how i have mine
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i dont have an ethernet card,

would the wi-fi adapter be easier... how will it work with wii connect 24?
if you don't have an ethernet card how is the modem hooked to the computer? i thought all broadband modems used ethernet for that....

in that case it may be easier to do your original plan, hook the router to the modem and leave the pc alone

the adapter has not been officially confirmed as wii compatible yet, so if you decide to go that route i'd wait and see if they release an updated one (though I don't see why it would be neccessary, just a precaution)
A lot of braodband modems have a USB jack. This is probably what you mean. In this case, yes that should work fine (also, yes the USB adapter would be easier, but the range is not very good. I don't see why they would make the Wii where it would not work.)

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