if you could have any three in SSB:B..

francesco montaldi

renegade of funk
Apr 7, 2007
if you could put any 3 charactors in super smash brothers brawl, who would you want? i myself would love to see sonic of course, and im a bit biased i suppose cuz all three of mine are from sega, sonic, vectorman, and earth worm jim. i always imagined sonic to be a capoeira fighter (if you dont know what capoeira is, eddie gordo from tekkan is one, or just look on youtube), vectorman would toss himself around and pull of some wiked kicks with that boost power, and earth worm jim... is earth worm jim, all demented moves lol

so if you could have ANY 3 characters, who would you want?
sonic, rayman (lmao) and uhh, why not put Leon in from RE4 (jk jk :lol: )
Sonic, Cloud, and................LITTLE MAC!!!! (from Mike Tyson's Punchout)
Samus101 said:
You know what would be REALLY cool? If they put a Custom Robo in SSBB.

I could see that as a pokemon type situation, but not a character. Like, you'd pick up a..."Robo Box", and throw it, and some robot would come up and help you attack your enemy. You could design the robots in a secondary game mode.