Japanese Game Shows


WiiChat Member
Apr 26, 2007
My house
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I dont have any thing against any race but the Japanese can be so stupid take a look at thier game shows thier realy funny! [MEDIA]http://youtube.com/watch?v=0bK63uSTTNs[/MEDIA][MEDIA]http://youtube.com/watch?v=aEKqU1fkYCI[/MEDIA][MEDIA]http://youtube.com/watch?v=-YwoP0thR1k[/MEDIA][MEDIA]http://youtube.com/watch?v=3guZda7nku8&mode=related&search=[/MEDIA][MEDIA]http://youtube.com/watch?v=UjF4U5KWQzk&mode=related&search=[/MEDIA]
I love these ones!
These just make me laugh, Ha Ha Ha HA Ha!!!!!111 ediots.
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I watch Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende!!

The beauty is, without knowing Japanese, it's very easy to follow and highly amusing. (can't view your clips - at work and they're blocked)

Will check them out at home later.
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I know and i still dont know what filled that pool did you check out the last and second to last ones thier the funnyiest

just the stupidity gawd!
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oh i think that show can be realy bad the change the words

like it makes them look supid
(Stupider than thier already being)
The Fifth said:
You guys never watch MXC on spike channel. Crazy japanese gameshow with U.S voiceovers

Its done much better in England, It's on challenge tv called Takeshis Castle, narrated by a scouser (from liverpool) called Craig Charles (used to be in red dwarf). He doesn't belittle them and just waffle like they do on MXC.
oh well i'll give you some rep then...

im in a good mood...lol

but you do the same for me and write something good in please..

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