Kinect vs Wii?


WiiChat Member
Nov 14, 2010
Are Kinect for Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii the same, and are Kinect Sports and Wii Sports the same?
They are different.
Wii needs a controller
Kincet you are the controller

Kincet needs some decent games
Wii has some
Dprinny, are you going to tell them that Kinect is very similar to EyeToy for Playstation 2 or did you even know that existed as well? The Kinect apparently is to be more sophisticated and EyeToy for PS2 didn't really catch on that much.
I had a Eyetoy(I have had gaming tihings people don't even know exist with out using Google)

Limited fun

Everyone loves log
Dprinny, are you telling me just to find a log or is this your Anti-Kinect Compaign? (Lol)
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Dunno lol

They both have potential, but logs have had theres explored where as the Kincet is just starting
Are Kinect for Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii the same, and are Kinect Sports and Wii Sports the same?

Not Really, Wii is more responsive than Kinect (my brother has one for his 360) He ALWAYS has trouble with the Voice Commands with it xD

As for the Sports games Comparison, I never seen Kinect Sports yet, so I can't say for sure :)
kinect fails so hard with people that are ignorant and dont comprehend that they cannot be only 2 inches apart in motion games
"Kinect" dont fail hard

The tech is sound.
The games are arse
@DPrinny: lol

I don't think Kinect is a fail at all, I just said that it's not that responsive on some games (like Sonic Free Riders)