Lets say you had a sibling and...


Fo-Weva Pink!
Sep 18, 2006
In The Real World
Okay This has something to do with the wii. Lets say i had a sibling and he was such a freak/ wants Xbox360. He's older then me by 1 year 1 month and 10 days:wink:
And he always talks about stupid Xbox360[Not being a fanboy or anything just saying that He keeps talking about it and it pi$$es me off] He WANTS the Xbox360. And we used to share our money until i split it because he wanted an Xbox360. And because im the youngest i get much more presents [Money :D]
So im techinacly Richer then my older brother :lol: I can afford a wii bymyself
Now I want a wii and he wants an Xbox360. What can ido to convince him to WANT the wii again. He always serached the internet and he techincaly knows everything... Nerdy... About the stupid Xbox360/Ps3 And all other systems...
If we Share our money again we could get like 3 games and 2 contrlllers but without that i canot. So i was wondering what can i do to convince my bro to want the wii again...
There is nothing you can do. Not if he already knows all about it and still isn't interested. Everyone will have their own preferences. The only way you MIGHT be able to sway him is when you get your Wii and let him play it. Then it may be better then he thought and he might like it.
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Scream said:
There is nothing you can do. Not if he already knows all about it and still isn't interested. Everyone will have their own preferences. The only way you MIGHT be able to sway him is when you get your Wii and let him play it. Then it may be better then he thought and he might like it.
hehe i forgot to add is that my mom thinks that we should get the wii So we will most likely get the wii first >=D And my mom is Agreeing with me to Preorder the wii. She will pay for it with her CC but i will pay her back with my money so she can pay for her CC >=D So i think that we will get the wii first and then we i get it he will be sucked in and i won't let him play lol
Here, ive worked on many "purswasive" essays, or hwoever you spell them, before.

"Fine, if you dont feel like acuttaly swinging a sword, and would rather click a button, good for you. Stuff like free online and weather, news, and ever a web browser at your fingertips, isn't 360 a Microsoft product? And they don't even have like Internet Explorer? Talk about half-ass...Oh, and seriously spending 300-400 dollars on a system with "great graphics and games" well, the PC tops both of that! In a couple or so months, probably already now, thoes 360 graphics are going to be bettered(beaten). And a lot of the 360 games come out for PC anyways, with free online. So seriously!? Well Wii like already has more games than 360 had in its first what? 6 months? Call of Duty 3..Excite Truck..Red Steel..Super..Smash..Bros..BRAWL, so I ask you again, do you really want to spend gaming the next 5 years with the same old games, the same old conroller, and the same old sytle and schemes?
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Sovieto said:
Here, ive worked on many "purswasive" essays, or hwoever you spell them, before.

"Fine, if you dont feel like acuttaly swinging a sword, and would rather click a button, good for you. Stuff like free online and weather, news, and ever a web browser at your fingertips, isn't 360 a Microsoft product? And they don't even have like Internet Explorer? Talk about half-ass...Oh, and seriously spending 300-400 dollars on a system with "great graphics and games" well, the PC tops both of that! In a couple or so months, probably already now, thoes 360 graphics are going to be bettered(beaten). And a lot of the 360 games come out for PC anyways, with free online. So seriously!? Well Wii like already has more games than 360 had in its first what? 6 months? Call of Duty 3..Excite Truck..Red Steel..Super..Smash..Bros..BRAWL, so I ask you again, do you really want to spend gaming the next 5 years with the same old games, the same old conroller, and the same old sytle and schemes?
Wow nice.. I might interprete that in my own words to him. And the Super...Smash..Bros. BRAWL might win him over >=D Cause we have the last 2 SsB and because Snake is in it hmm... That was nice thanks hopefully this will work
GreyKirby said:
Wow nice.. I might interprete that in my own words to him. And the Super...Smash..Bros. BRAWL might win him over >=D Cause we have the last 2 SsB and because Snake is in it hmm... That was nice thanks hopefully this will work
Yes, lol, that is what i mean for you to do, interpet into your own words. Thats like the cow, you just take your own milk from it...lol i just made that up
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Sovieto said:
Yes, lol, that is what i mean for you to do, interpet into your own words. Thats like the cow, you just take your own milk from it...lol i just made that up
Lol XD Nice. I am going to try as soon as he comes into this room... *waits*
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Here is what happened when i said something similar to that. " Omg i don't care , " After i said :" Well don't expect mom to buy another next gen " then he said : " Ill make sure she will "
After i said : "Yea right Good luck. By the way, your lost , next thing you'll see me do is swing a wiimote in my hand playing Legend of zelda " After he said " Well its not like mom is gonna let you get wii " After i said : " Oh yes she will, did i mention that she is agreeing with ME and not YOU,*Walks away*
GreyKirby said:
Here is what happened when i said something similar to that. " Omg i don't care , " After i said :" Well don't expect mom to buy another next gen " then he said : " Ill make sure she will "
After i said : "Yea right Good luck. By the way, your lost , next thing you'll see me do is swing a wiimote in my hand playing Legend of zelda " After he said " Well its not like mom is gonna let you get wii " After i said : " Oh yes she will, did i mention that she is agreeing with ME and not YOU,*Walks away*

anger is not the solution! i was hoping you would do more of a sit down thing, even though i did that with my sis...and well shes a girl...i dont know, never had a brother, never really experienced stuff like that. but give him more reasons! when your on the computer and hes near purposely watch videos showing off the wii games!
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Well My BROTHER is stuborn [ caps sorry ] Plus i have alot of siblings and its hard enough to hve privacy. And they always complain when i say i want the wii. Thankfully my mom is nice and she thinks the wii is going to be nice so she allowed me to get it. My brother that im talkinga bout here , it wouldnt work to be calm cause he'd interrupt you allt eh time n stuff i gotta find something else to do lol
Well a few reasons why I want it:

1.Cheap system/games
2. The innovation of the controller
3. WI-FI Ready
4. Wii Connect 24
5. Virtual Console
6. Backwards compatible with GCN
7. Internet surfing via Opera
8. Free online gaming
9. Somthing completley new, that the other system's don't have
10. It's sleek and small
11. Downloads system/game updates while you sleep or whenever
12. Goes on "Standby Mode" to allow content updates while away
13. No huge freaking power brick to power it
14. Much better 3rd party support then last gen
15. Zelda, Red Steel, and Metroid Prime 3 on launch
16. The cool controller attatchments that will come along
17. DS connectivitey (Supposedly, I don't know what for yet, I will look)
18. Xbox Live costs money.
19. Wii points, for those of us who don't have debit/credit cards
20. Controller has a speaker, for interactive sounds
21. Nintendo promised to expaned it's audience base (More M titles)
22. Some actually good FPS and more of them
23. GCN Mem and controller slots
24. Comes in a few different colors same with controller (Eventually)
25. SD mem card bay and USB ports
26. Wii Chat like thing, let's you talk to other Wii owner's
27. The channels will expand over time, allowing more features
28. A special controller for classic virtual console downloads
29. Graphics, are not bad at all. Very good looking, even for the weakest.
30. Graphics get better over time (Compare PS2 to when it came out to now)
31. An overall different, and fun system anyone can enjoy.

That should be enough. If he still wants the 360, oh well. It's useless I guess. :(

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