manhunt 2 UK version


WiiChat Member
Mar 31, 2009
colchester essex uk
hi all ive got manhunt 2 on the wii of course and its getting on my t*ts about the censoring i want to get the american version so its not cut (being in the dump they call the uk we get stupid censorship) i dont know why it has been cut in the 1st place the 1st manhunt is more violent it just sucks but i guess its the fact that you use the remote for the "kills" action

anyway around the censorship and to get ntsc to play on pal

why cant nintendo just make a damn universal version!!
hi all ive got manhunt 2 on the wii of course and its getting on my t*ts about the censoring i want to get the american version so its not cut (being in the dump they call the uk we get stupid censorship) i dont know why it has been cut in the 1st place the 1st manhunt is more violent it just sucks but i guess its the fact that you use the remote for the "kills" action

anyway around the censorship and to get ntsc to play on pal

why cant nintendo just make a damn universal version!!

It is developed by Rockstar games. As for censorship, it was censored mainly due to its AO rating, which wouldn't be allowed by Nintendo. The game was toned down in the USA as well. This would be true on the other platforms anyways.

If it was censored any further from the USA version, blame it on your own government.
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well i see what you mean i know its developed by rockstar my goverment suck arse anyway thats y i dont vote
but i dont see why its cut because you look at games like the suffering or doom 3 etc etc

oh well they may have a uncut version for pc or summit lol

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