marvel ultimate alliance help...


WiiChat Member
Nov 15, 2006
hey guys, i was finally able to rent marvel ultimate im wolverine, and im at this part where i had to pull this big wall thing away from this door but it wont let me in and it seems like im just goin around in circles, in the deck,off the deck.i dont know where to go or what to do lol. we had to fight few ppl but where do i go next or how can i enter in this door lol
Sorry, I cannot help you because I don't own the game. I was pondering between buying it and buying Madden 07 and I went with Madden 07. I will probably pick that up next, though. Is it fun as a multiplayer game?
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well im just playin it as 1 player right now. noone is home to play along with so its just me but im gettin annoyed cuz im goin in circles lol
im thinking you pulled the generator off the wall? to the left of it you should see a similar thing that ISNT all smashed up, its the replacement generator, try moving that to the left and forward into the part where the destroyed generator used to be (that means you have to move the destoryed gen. back and to the right, out of the way of the new generator)

hope that helps :D
no problem ^_^ this games really kick ass. I find the controls a little confusing at times though, but i think thatll get easier as i learn more moves. and iunno about you, but i died a lot on that first level, hahaha. the only heros i had alive were good ol' wolvie and deadpool, cause they regenerate health :p

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lol yea, well im only at the part where that rocket thing launched and now the clock is counting down. i used spidey as my first guy but he died quickly lol. im wolverine right now. im gonna either buy it or ask for it for christmas cuz im lovin this game alot
hahahah seriously, as my name implies, i ****in love spidey, but he was one of the first to die :( my roommates were making fun of me cause of that, hahahahahahaha.

O well, I can't wait to put in the code for Silver Surfer, I got the one for Daredevil with the game when i got it, but i found out that if you preordered it it came with the code for silver surfer as well. luckily, there this thing called the internets were you can find all kinds of krazy stuff, so im gonna use the silver surfer code to get him, and thats probably only code ill use for this game

Spidey + Silver Surfer = ownage, my two fave marvel heros ever :D

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how far into the game are you? im still at the part where nick fury says the only way to stop those missiles from firing is to destroy the consoles that control
after you get through that whole mess, you go to Starks Tower and some more plot develops, I stopped playing there cause I wanted to play some more Zelda >_> hahahaha, that and I had to go home for the thanksgiving weekend, and i cant take the Wii home cause my parents dont know I bought it >_>

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lol kool. im at the baraks right now. my wolverine died:( n im not sure what im doin right now lol. forget what it told me to do
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umm i think before. its where when u enter the baraks theres a laptop on the ground or somethin for computer.forget n theres buncha sections of locked glass that i cant get in....
Not too bad, the thing is that when you play on a normal controller youd press X or A over and over again to kill and enemy right? thats the lame way of killing something, just standing there and pounding the enemy

but with the wii controller, you have to time your movements. it takes a little to get used to, but its hella fun playing with. i love firing spideys webshots :D


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