Yet another game reviewed by me (6th one). This time I will be introducing Meteos.
Other Reviews
Elite Beat Agents Review
Wario Ware: Touched Review
Brain Age Review
Advance Wars: Dual Strike Review
Meteos Review
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Review
SSX Blur Review
Super Paper Mario Review
Reviews in the Near Future:
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Pokemon: Diamond/Pearl
Yoshi's Touch & Go (I know an old game =P)
Where to Buy:
Usually anywhere. Going for about $20 nowadays.
Meteos, A Game to Remember?
Gameplay, A Mixture of Puzzle Games
Meteos has great gameplay, I've only had it for about 2 hours but it's a blast and is very easy to learn. It has a little bit of everything in it, a Tetris feel and heck a Super Smash Bros. like interface. All you simply do is align 3 of more blocks horizontally or vertically, when you do so, a rocket will shoot up. If the blocks reach the very top of the screen, that is when you eliminate the blocks that touched the very top screen. If you want more blocks to fal simply tap the circle in the bottom right hand corner or either press L and R. There are a few modes you may chose from...Simple, Star Trip, Time War, Deluge...Simple is opens a Super Smash like interface (colors, difficulty, CPU Level, 3 slots for CPU, Stock, Rules, Places, and Characters...Sound Familiar?)
. In Star ship you go in a sequence and you must beat each stage until you reach the boss level. (kind of like Super Smash in Adventure Mode). Another great feature in this game is "Fusion", gathering many meteos can unlock new planets, sounds, and items for the game which is really cool.
This game is suppose to use the stylus, but the D-pad is optional if you either don't have a stylus or don't like using it.
Graphics, Good
Graphics don't really matter in this game, but they put some effort into it. There are make different places to choose from in this game and each one has it's own theme. Each theme has different kinds of blocks. IMO they did this very well.
You may single card download play or VS. someone who has another card. I haven't tried it out yet, but I will try it whenever i get the chance to.
Story, there's a story for a puzzle game?!?!
Amazingly there is a story to this game....the objective of this game is to reach a planet called "Meteos" and destroy it, along the way though there is must destroy many planets along the way. To destroy them you must throw meteos blocks at the planets. It may seemed a little flawed, but it's better then nothing..
Sound/Music, Well Thought Out
The Sound and Music in this game to me were well thought out. Exploding blocks, along with great music for every stage. The menu also has great music but it sounds awfully similar...oh yeah SUPER SMASH BRO'S!
There's only one other Meteos Game
Meteos Disney (DS)...I'd suggest you to skip this if you haven't already bought the first Meteos
Overall Score:
PM me if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions.
Other Reviews
Elite Beat Agents Review
Wario Ware: Touched Review
Brain Age Review
Advance Wars: Dual Strike Review
Meteos Review
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Review
SSX Blur Review
Super Paper Mario Review
Reviews in the Near Future:
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Pokemon: Diamond/Pearl
Yoshi's Touch & Go (I know an old game =P)
Where to Buy:
Usually anywhere. Going for about $20 nowadays.
Meteos, A Game to Remember?

Gameplay, A Mixture of Puzzle Games
Meteos has great gameplay, I've only had it for about 2 hours but it's a blast and is very easy to learn. It has a little bit of everything in it, a Tetris feel and heck a Super Smash Bros. like interface. All you simply do is align 3 of more blocks horizontally or vertically, when you do so, a rocket will shoot up. If the blocks reach the very top of the screen, that is when you eliminate the blocks that touched the very top screen. If you want more blocks to fal simply tap the circle in the bottom right hand corner or either press L and R. There are a few modes you may chose from...Simple, Star Trip, Time War, Deluge...Simple is opens a Super Smash like interface (colors, difficulty, CPU Level, 3 slots for CPU, Stock, Rules, Places, and Characters...Sound Familiar?)
. In Star ship you go in a sequence and you must beat each stage until you reach the boss level. (kind of like Super Smash in Adventure Mode). Another great feature in this game is "Fusion", gathering many meteos can unlock new planets, sounds, and items for the game which is really cool.

This game is suppose to use the stylus, but the D-pad is optional if you either don't have a stylus or don't like using it.
Graphics, Good
Graphics don't really matter in this game, but they put some effort into it. There are make different places to choose from in this game and each one has it's own theme. Each theme has different kinds of blocks. IMO they did this very well.
You may single card download play or VS. someone who has another card. I haven't tried it out yet, but I will try it whenever i get the chance to.
Story, there's a story for a puzzle game?!?!
Amazingly there is a story to this game....the objective of this game is to reach a planet called "Meteos" and destroy it, along the way though there is must destroy many planets along the way. To destroy them you must throw meteos blocks at the planets. It may seemed a little flawed, but it's better then nothing..

Sound/Music, Well Thought Out
The Sound and Music in this game to me were well thought out. Exploding blocks, along with great music for every stage. The menu also has great music but it sounds awfully similar...oh yeah SUPER SMASH BRO'S!
There's only one other Meteos Game
Meteos Disney (DS)...I'd suggest you to skip this if you haven't already bought the first Meteos
Overall Score:
PM me if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions.
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