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in touch with the wii said:
you like ff alot dont you good work tho
me!? I just like crystal chonricles, its just a game i have a lot of respect for but i dont play it, i dont like turn based fighting games
Final Fantasy is an unbeatable series, only ever beaten by one other even more unbeatable series, Zelda (obviously).

Loving the results of those polls!!!
Theese kinda suprised me, I've been expecting the 360 and PS3 to leave the Wii into the dust because everyone at my school always talks about how great they are and talks down on the Wii. Even if, this is great news :)
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yah 20 thousand said that but over 40 thousand said they were getting one. + the other ones make up for it
In the 1rst one for 97.476 votes, and Wii has the 50% there are 2 opinions from me:

- Wii will have a lot of people buying, more popular and nintendo will be very satisfied.

- With all the people that want to buy a Wii it will be out of stock at second day! :(
Weebs said:
Theese kinda suprised me, I've been expecting the 360 and PS3 to leave the Wii into the dust because everyone at my school always talks about how great they are and talks down on the Wii. Even if, this is great news :)

The price is the turning point for the Wii.

I got a friend who's had an Xbox, but sold it.

He was asking about the nex-gen consoles, I said they're $600-$250 or less. He just automatically picked the $250.
yay i am glad. i like the wii and was a little worried that it might be nintendos dreamcast, since it is so inovative. i am so glad that people want the wii!! THE WII WILL DOMINATE!!!

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