Moving Game Data Catastrophe!


WiiChat Member
Oct 24, 2010
Hello! I wanted to transfer my game data to my SD-Card (by moving, not copy) because I wanted more space on my Wii for channels, etc. Anyway, when I moved them, I found that you can't read game data from the SD-card, so I moved them back, and now I'm missing a LOT of scores, levels etc.! Did I do something wrong?


P.S. After that, I found out that the channels were taking up all the space! So, now all my work is in vain :(
That depends. Did you boot the game that you moved the Data to the SD Card? If so, a NEW file was created and instead of erasing that Data from the Wii itself, you erased your Original File within the SD Card. Thats how you can lose your scores. However, if you erased the New File within the Wii and moved the Original file back then there shouldn't have been a problem.
I should recommend you store your Games/Channels than your Game Data to an SD Card. Channels Use more Data and Can be run directly from the Card.
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Thanks! I will check. And, if that doesn't work, I guess my scores are gone...FOREVER! :(


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