New Mario Cart + controller = what?

The possibilities are endless! but anyway just wait to see, wii already dont know even if a mario kart game for the Wii exist
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yea but what ARE the possiblilities and i bet there will be cuz theres been one for EVERY nintendo system
you might find that nintendo will make a holder for the wiimote, in the shape of a steering wheel

how cool would that be?
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  • #5
WOW!i never thought of that!maybey it would be like this
(=) the = is the remote, then u could lower it or make it higher to ajust speed or sumthin like that?
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ergh yea...hmmm oh look at the screenshots for the new sonic game they have the contoller like this = and they tilt it left or right to turn
mikybee93 said:
yea but what ARE the possiblilities and i bet there will be cuz theres been one for EVERY nintendo system
There was no for the NES! It started with Super Mario Kart on the SNES. And yeah, I like your idea of the steering weel (=) thing. Would be nice!
Or...Is there a Mario Kart on the NES I never seen/heard of?! o_O
MMCD said:
you might find that nintendo will make a holder for the wiimote, in the shape of a steering wheel

how cool would that be?

That would very cool actually! I say lets get some designs just for fun to see what kind of imaginations yall got! Ill do it when I get off work and bust out with some awsome contrapted invention! :D :lol: ;)
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  • #10
There was no for the NES! It started with Super Mario Kart on the SNES. And yeah, I like your idea of the steering weel (=) thing. Would be nice!
Or...Is there a Mario Kart on the NES I never seen/heard of?! o_O
it was either snes or nes i remember 1 had it and thanx for the compliment
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  • #11
That would very cool actually! I say lets get some designs just for fun to see what kind of imaginations yall got! Ill do it when I get off work and bust out with some awsome contrapted invention!
are u able to use flash or sumthin like that so well, if so that would be so AWESOME!
You are most likely going to use the wiimote as a steering wheel, just like in Excite Truck, Sonic, and Need for Speed: Carbon
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  • #13
yea thats wat i was thinking but they might make a special steering weel type thing .

P.S.dont ruin our fun
i made my own design! lol

okay the wheel type holder has grips at the side

the hinge is to close the steering wheel once the wiimote is inserted and your A button is for firing any pick up you have

complaints/apprectiation= okay by me


  • Crude Mario Kart Wii steering wheel design.bmp
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