Nintendo Summit: Monster Hunter Tri – New Screenshots and Free Online Multiplayer Details-1.052010-02-25 17:39:14Maura SNintendo has today revealed details of Monster Hunter Tri’s free online multiplayer mode in Europe. Players will be able to hunt and communicate together for free as they form skilled hunting packs, tracking the monsters that inhabit the vast world and battling them in a quest for Evolution. Setting up a hunting pack is as simple as adding a friend you meet or someone you wish to hunt with to your Friend roster, provided they agree, of course! You can then find them instantly whenever they are online by double-clicking on their name in your Friend roster, which will then take you straight to their quest. Dedicated European servers will make the online multiplayer service fast and smooth, so that all you need to worry about is monster hunting!

In Europe the game will ship on April 23rd as game only, with two additional bundles, one including a black Classic Controller Pro and one containing the Wii Speak accessory as well as the black Classic Controller Pro.