No Wii Sports Resort at GDC?? What Gives !!!

Backwards Man

WiiChat Member
Dec 9, 2006
I thought we would get some screens or a release date - or any news just on Motion Plus! What's the deal? How delayed is it?
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Wow, Nintendo allowing a third party developer to bundle a game with Wii motion plus? That game will be a massive seller for sure.

Still, why the delay for Resort? Do they just want it released in the fall closer to Christmas ?
If Grand Slam tennis includes the Motion Plus, then there is no longer any reason for me (or any hardcore gamer) to buy Wii Sports Resort. Simulation tennis beats a disc throwing dog anyday.
If Grand Slam tennis includes the Motion Plus, then there is no longer any reason for me (or any hardcore gamer) to buy Wii Sports Resort. Simulation tennis beats a disc throwing dog anyday.

Not sword fighting though, I still have nerdgasms over that.

We'll probably hear something about sports resort soon. I thought it was going to release in the first quarter of this year...
Might make a spring release:

With all of the amazing stuff that Nintendo did show at GDC, we briefly forgot about what it didn't show: Wii Sports Resort and the MotionPlus device, both of which we'd expect to hear something about if they were still planned for "spring."

MTV Multiplayer's Stephen Totilo asked Reggie Fils-Aime about the missing game and peripheral, and Reggie suggested they could still make a spring release. "We haven't announced the full spring line-up ... And it feels like winter in Seattle right now."
Also worth a mention:
Reggie also mentioned that Wii Sports Resort's controls had been improved beyond the previous demo. "The level of full motion capability is far in excess of what we showed at E3."
The Motion Plus *HAS* to be released by the time Tiger Woods '10 comes out. Nothing else will be acceptable. :nonod:
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Well, I guess they did spring ExciteBots on sounds like Reggie still believes it will be released this spring.
Its no big deal really, especially if they need the time to improve things. I heard something about them originally having 10 or so activities planned but were chopping it to 8 which would be disappointing.

In all honesty I'm more excited for the device itself rather than the game, but I did enjoy Wii Sports so who knows.

Apparently the company that made the technology is selling it to anyone interested for $40.
Apparently the company that made the technology is selling it to anyone interested for $40.

More kids need to realize that MotionPlus was made by a different company and that the technology didn't exist(and in a way still doesn't) until recently.

I browse through plenty of lousy rants about how "Nintendo should have added it in the first place." or "Why did Nintendo sell us a half finished product?"

What they also fail to realize is if Nintendo did decide to perfect the Wii remote along with Wii MotionPlus, the Wii would have a release date of Winter 2009. Arriving 4 years late to the generation and giving Microsoft and Sony years to capture the market while Gamecube sales deteriorate to zero consoles sold a year and fans across the globe losing hope.

The Wii remote tech was as current as can be in late 2006, even ahead of its time. It's ridiculous to have asked for more at that time!

Analogy: Wow!! Toyota introduced the flying car in 2012 but that thing could only hit 50 miles per hour. AND JUST NOW IN 2016 they figured out how to max out the speed to 120 miles per hour. STUPID TOYOTA!! Why didn't you include it in the first place!!