Operating system?


WiiChat Member
Will it have its own.. And is there any ideas on what it will look like..

If you don't know the above question... Lets pretend we have our own :)

Would you rather
DS style "desktop"
PSP style menu's
Xbox style "desktop"
Windows Desktop

I think i would go with windows myself.. But im sure everyone would.. Its got much more capabilitys.. Explain why you choose as well..
If by windows, you mean the idea of using "windows" to display different things instead of using the whole screen, then fine, but putting Microsoft Windows on the wii would be the worst mistake imaginable.
I really don't care as long as I can put in just put in a game and play unlike the 360 where to change out a game and play another you have to pretty much reboot the stupid system, and ps3 looks like you will actually have to scroll over to gaming then select your game, talk about lame are the ps3/360 a gaming system it sure doesn't look like it I already have a computer that functions much better than either at computer tasks. so my vote, automatic game boot and menu capability when no disc is inserted or menu is selected, not forced to use it.
I Thought The Wii Was Completly Wireless??

what are you talking about, the controller and wifi are wireless, what else would be wireless? the os really can't be wireless in that it is a program, you may want to research what your questioning in the post first.
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Its like impossible to get wireless, its to much energy to be transferred wirelessly, and thats what they said abvout the 360, you might be confused, they said there would be NO cords at all for the 360, and what do you know? Theres this huge power supply with almost the same mass as the Wii
Sovieto said:
Its like impossible to get wireless, its to much energy to be transferred wirelessly, and thats what they said abvout the 360, you might be confused, they said there would be NO cords at all for the 360, and what do you know? Theres this huge power supply with almost the same mass as the Wii
again what else would be wireless, the video, you sure can't have the power wireless, you would fry anyone getting near the power outlet, and a wireless video adaptor would make no sense seeing as you need to put a sensor bar near the TV anyways to get the pointer functionality. everything that is sensible to be wireless is, the networking and the controllers.
I haven't seen the PSP style "menu's". I think there'll be some sort of OS, this is due to the fact that there's something called (was it?) WiiConnect24? There has to be some sort of hardware/resource management when certain stuff are being updated, putting the system to standby... etc. In a more crude definition, all console do have an OS, it's just whether there's a front end to it or not.

I think the real question will be more of a front end question. I personally think the Xbox360 is decent, perhaps a mix of simplicity, maybe a little touch of Media Center (interface is quite intuitive - which is what we want). Regarding a Desktop like Windows; I don't think a full blown multitasking desktop is required. Just something that can context switch between games and OS-stuff.

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