perfect dark??????

I've been told that none of the Rare games will be available on the Wii, because nowadays Rare is owned by Microsoft. So that means no Donkey Kong or Golden Eye either. :/ Though I might be wrong.
I hoped it would, because i didnt buy it for the N64 (what with the extra cost of the expansion pak etc) but now i doubt it'll be on vc either. The only way is if nintendo can buy back rare, whichh im told is doubtfull.
sense donkey kong is owned by nintendo we will see that on it, but we wont see any other of the rare games on the vc, most likely
With the rare games, when u play Donkey kong on VC, do u think it will come with the RARE logo at the beginning?
m7ticalm said:
With the rare games, when u play Donkey kong on VC, do u think it will come with the RARE logo at the beginning?
Who cares?

Anyway who knows maybe maybe someday they will work out a deal. It would be easy money for rare you think. Just have nintedno give em a cut of the dough.

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