Pokemon HS/SS Trading

Z Poke Nub

WiiChat Member
Apr 4, 2010
Hey, I was wondering if anyone caught a flying Pikachu that they want to trade. Ill be happy to trade for one :)

EDIT: Nevermind, I just found the flying Pikachu. I now have every type :)
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hey anybody got that arceus that unlocks an event in soul silver ill trade or trade back i only need it for the event
Does anyone ever want to battle?

Does anyone ever want to battle me? Send me a private message with ur pokemon Ds games friend code # and I'll register u
i have diamond and platinum (might get HG or SS)
diamond 2235 7910 4137
platinum 5457 0495 7959
hey anybody got that arceus that unlocks an event in soul silver ill trade or trade back i only need it for the event
lol dont we all it be nice to have one but they are probably pretty hard to come by id like to get one for the event and to have one i think its cool how it can be different types
Any Pokemon you want.

I will make any pokemon you like any moves you want and any item you want for a certain price if you want any more info or want to do this send me an email at pokemon-maker@hotmail.com Just mail me and i will give you my details for trade etc and you give me details on what pokemon,moves and item you want.I can give the pokemon any move you want (I can even teach a Charizard Surf or a Feraligatr Fly) I can make the Pokemon Shiny etc.Basically anything you want.Just email me for details.
I will make any pokemon you like any moves you want and any item you want for a certain price if you want any more info or want to do this send me an email at pokemon-maker@hotmail.com Just mail me and i will give you my details for trade etc and you give me details on what pokemon,moves and item you want.I can give the pokemon any move you want (I can even teach a Charizard Surf or a Feraligatr Fly) I can make the Pokemon Shiny etc.Basically anything you want.Just email me for details.

do u do pokemon diamond/pearl

and btw

ur using gameshard

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