Pokemon Puzzle League


The Scrubbiest of Hunters
Jan 25, 2009
Nimbasa City
Wii Online Code
Who remembers this wonderful Panel De Pon-esque game? I certainly do; I've got it on the VC, my N64 copy is... well, I don't know.

Do you remember how insane the CPU could be in this game, mainly on the highest difficulty (Intense, right? ... or was it Super Hard?)? I certainly do. I can't get very far on intense... Maybe to match 4, but... eh. I used to get all the way up to match 11 or so on Intense, but only when I was a kid. I've gotten worse over time, lol.

Anyways, point being of this thread, discuss your love (... or hate) of this epic puzzle game. Recollect some great memories, tell us how you miraculously beat Mewtwo, etc. etc.

Also, just to start things off, here's a video that garnered some lulz from me at the end.


Next, check out the madness of 3D mode; this dude's a god.


Now then, discuss! (and yes, I know there's probably been threads like this in the past; they're dead)
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Impossible? Nah. Crazy, but not impossible. Who doesn't like a challenge though!? :D I certainly do.
One of my most favorite games of all time. At least for n64 during that time period. Let me review...

At that time, I lived with about 5 other cousins. They all played. One family friend who's practically family also played. 6 People. More cousins visited during the summer, so +3. 9 people in line for this game. I was a monster at that game when I was younger.

Also, 3d is waaayyy too easy to come up with combos. I'm not trying to sound like a snob, but he looks a bit slow. Nothing against him, pretty good, definitely good. Maybe if I saw things like I was younger my opinion would be different.

That being said, on the topic of 3d, me and my cousin had epic matches. An hour long + match (Like an hour 18 minutes) on 3d. I won. Second match, lasted around 12 minutes. Third match was about half an hour +. My eyes were watery like mad.
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An hour+ match? ... That's just... insanity. My eyes wouldn't be able to deal with that, lol.

3D is broken, lol. As you mentioned it really is too easy to come up with combos, considering all the options you're presented with; you only need to think moderatly fast. For 2P mode, 3D is just rediculous, though... unless you're tons better than your opponent, it'l probably drag on like the examples you gave us, Wuddle.
I love that game bro. Still got it on my N64 (yes, still have my original N64) played it last week. Nothing better to buil up frustration than playing on the hardest difficulty and getting whipped every time.

I actually found the best way to win. I beat Mewtwo on Super Hard (which was freaking ridiculous) or, really what happened is, Mewtwo beat himself. I sent 1 trash bar over to his side, and made no other combos. Turns out the CPU isnt that good unless you bombard them with blocks, which everyone who plays knows that when the CPu sends a screen filling block to your side, it means you can pull off a kickass combo with ease.

Anyway, Mewtwo made combos against me, but instead of countering, i kept breaking them apart and making 3's (which do nothing) Then, Mewtwo raised his pile and because he did not have my blocks to create combos, he reached the top of the screen. He lost in 21 seconds.

The way I see it, when your playing Supoer Hard, if you dont beat your opponent in the first 45 seconds, you lost. Just give up that match, cuz the CPU gets harder and harder with time.
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That's actually a really good strategy, Storm... interesting. I'm not one to play passively on this game though, if I can't beat them through brute force (combos and chains), then I'll just keep trying until I can manage. Odd I know, but while it's a good strategy, it's not all that fun. :p

I love that game bro. Still got it on my N64 (yes, still have my original N64) played it last week. Nothing better to buil up frustration than playing on the hardest difficulty and getting whipped every time.

All too true... lol.
I completely agree. But after 94 retries (freaking Mewtwo kept beating me an I had to keep re-fighting Garys F***ing Nidoqueen) I threw action to the side. I know save my temper for when my friends come over, then....(MASSIVE PWNGE!)

I saw on your first video (I think that was you playing correct?) that because you sent huge combos to Mewtwo's side, he kept coming back harder.

Plus, @ the 3-D video, thats not impossibly difficult or anything. You have to take into account he wasnt playing against anyone. Highest combo Ive gotten in 2-D is 18 (I think) with Team Rockets Arbok.

Btw, off topic, but the whole team rocket team was my favorite characters out of the first season. After that they just kinda....ya know... conformed...
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Me? Play that good? LOL! No way in hell Storm, I couldn't play that good in my dreams... :lol: It's just a video I had favorited.

You have to re-fight Gary if you lose against Mewtwo? ... That's pretty lame.
Yea. You didnt know that? That **** pissed me off show bad....Thats what my punching bag in the garage is for :D

Gary's an ass...if you lose to Mewtwo, you must defeat Gary again to get to Mewtwo, and again, and again, and again. And anyone who has played Super Hadr knows how astronomical the chances of winning two in a row are. I got lucky, kicked Gary's ass with Pikachu, then Mewtwo beat himself. I was ecstatic.

Literally, I didnt think the guy played that well but, maybe its just me. If you watch the video closely, you can tell where he starts getting nervous cuz he just starts randomly moving blocks :lol:
First off, I only got this game about a few months ago, for fun with my last roommate a'la virtual console.
When it came out, I was un pokemoning my self as a kid....
Now then, by far, my favorite mode is the quiet zen like puzzle mode...
HOWEVER.... the 3d tube, fun for hours....

Just in general, a 64 chain, is totaly unfair, and well, god like. Wuddle, you are already a god, you don't have to be god like.
Literally, I didnt think the guy played that well but, maybe its just me. If you watch the video closely, you can tell where he starts getting nervous cuz he just starts randomly moving blocks :lol:

He was only decent. Not only you, I agree too.
I ****ing hated this game. That's what happens when you base a Pokemon game on the anime.
I ****ing hated this game. That's what happens when you base a Pokemon game on the anime.

Are you talking about the traditional series or Puzzle League? Because the traditional sense is more related to the manga to be more exact...

As far as Puzzle League goes, even if it's heavily based on the anime, it hardly corresponds with the gameplay itself. Other than you have to play against x players annoying Pokemon's cries.

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