Prince of Persia: Rival Swords announced for the Wii


Certified Public Asshole
Nov 15, 2006
Chicago, IL
Wii Online Code

When there was a PR snafu and news of a Wii Prince of Persia first surfaced, we wondered what the lead SKU for the game's development was. Today, the announcement of Prince of Persia: Rival Swords gives a hint as to what the lead SKU will be. Rival Swords, a retouched Two Thrones port, was announced for the PSP -- and now that game is also heading to the Wii. We've joked before about PS2 development and Wii development intersecting, but now PSP ports and Wii games are running along similar developmental paths? Gen-now, indeed.
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Cool pictures, didn't know they had any released yet. I just hope that the dark side of the Prince doesn't have any more depleting health issues.
I am actually disappointed because they are too lazy to make a new design.
It just look like an old prince of persia for GC except controller is different.
Guess that proves we wont be seeing anything ground breaking on the wii from ubisoft :'( they seem to have become 360 whores
3mpathy said:
Guess that proves we wont be seeing anything ground breaking on the wii from ubisoft :'( they seem to have become 360 whores

Yeah they are making Assassin's creed and all those good games for 360.
JoonKimDDS said:
Yeah they are making Assassin's creed and all those good games for 360.

Lol have u played double agent or vegas on pc? there just crappy 360 ports >.< ...Not to mention ubi made some bulliten saying stfu pc, consoles are the gaming future.... bastards >.<
assassin's creed for wii would be take a bit toned down graphics, but they better push the hardware limits of the wii!

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