PS3 to beat Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 WTF?


Waluigi The Great
Jun 12, 2006
Wii Online Code
Market analysts predict that the PlayStation 3 win the video game console war by 2011.

Researchers at the Yankee Group predict that the Sony PS3 will grab 44 percent marketshare of the cumulative consoles sales in North America by 2011, with Xbox 360 on 40 percent and Nintendo Wii lagging behind with the Wii at 16 percent.

The research represents sales of 30, 26 and 11 million units respectively.

However the researchers also claim that fewer consoles will be sold in this generation due to high prices. The Yankee Group also expects to see Microsoft continually undercut the price of PlayStation 3 throughout the Xbox 360's lifetime.

With only a four percent lead, it looks like Sony's advantage is likely to be lost over the next generation. After all, what's the point of winning this generation's war by 2011 when we'll be moving onto new consoles by then.

Keep in mind that this prediction is from Market analysts research, and they've been wrong before.

What do you think? Will the PS3 be the real next-gen console to beat Microsoft Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii?

Why do ppl always underestimate the Big N. Clearly when the PSP came out eveyone was like, "PSP rules. DS sux.", but now those same ppl are watching their precious PSP go so far underwater that Sony is planning on making another one already.
Hey wallstreet guys heres my prediction: Nintendo wins, M-soft is close behind, and PS3 won't even start selling until 2011.

Hmmm.. thats gonna be totally wrong.. with a chance of the ps3 being 3 times the price of a wii... and they recon the ps3 will sell much more then the wii? pfff.. aloada shizz in my book
I agree with you guys. These prediction posts are always biased in one way or another and often are sponsored or paid by the actual company the prediction favours the most - it also appears in science and medical circles. These predictions are really not predictions they're just propaganda under the camouflage of 'prediction'...

Also note the words:
...cumulative consoles sales...
this means it has used existing data that was based on this generation's preference towards the three consoles and doesn't take into account people's preference for the new/next gen cosoles that will come out into the future.
linkzeldagame said:
I agree with you guys. These prediction posts are always biased in one way or another and often are sponsored or paid by the actual company the prediction favours the most - it also appears in science and medical circles. These predictions are really not predictions they're just propaganda under the camouflage of 'prediction'...

Also note the words:
this means it has used existing data that was based on this generation's preference towards the three consoles and doesn't take into account people's preference for the new/next gen cosoles that will come out into the future.
thats stupid and inacurate.
Its bullshit. After the crap Sony gave at E3 and the PS3's ridiculous price tag I honestly can't see them winning.

I reckon this console war between Nintendo and Sony will go the same way as there handheld war.
Bullshit wii will be second because Xbox 360 has had such a biiiiiiigggg head start and most ppl I know allready have lost patience and bought one (unlike me I bought one because I wanted one and could afford one and a wii as well) their also planning on buying a wii (like me) but some arn't because they don't care about buying a wii because the 360 is a good console and nintendo and sony have taken so long to release theirs so I would say 360 first then wii then PS3
I doubt it, PS3 and 360 are so pricy, people will want a normal price console(IE Wii).. also even with those numbers, i'd still say Sony is the loser, simply because the PS2 had about 70% of the market, and MS being the winner with a huge market share growth, and Nintendo staying the same. But i highly doubt MS would take that much of the market, seeing how Japan doesn't seem to like the 360.
Jus havta wait and see.. I jus thought.. i don't really care about the market ware :tard: coz it doesnt affect me :tard: all i kno is im goin for a Wii, and spose thats all that really matters..

The WII will win for sure. Not only is it made by the best gaming company ever, but it's the cheapest and has the best games BY FAR.

360 doesn't even have it's one game out yet(new Halo) and PS3 is way too expensive. I love classic Playstation titles such as Metal Gear Solid, but I might not even get it b/c of the ridiculous price.
How can in the **** say the Wii has a big price??? they are completely out of wave (or maybe sony peyed them to say that which I think is the most probability)

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