Wiichat Member
Although it was inevitable, Rock Band has officially been confirmed for Wii..
News first posted: Here
IGN said:January 31, 2008 - In a third-quarter conference call today, Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello confirmed that a Wii version of Rock band is forthcoming.
Riccitiello mentioned the game at the end of the call's question-and-answer session. There was no release date given, but Riccitiello referred to the "coming launch" of a Wii version of the game.
There's been speculation about a Wii installment of Rock Band's since the game was announced. In April 2007, Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos said a Wii-specific version of the title would be coming out in the future.
"We will, at some time, bring Rock Band to every [important] platform," Rigopulos said at the time, adding that Harmonix would optimize future versions of Rock Band to fit the strengths of the platform. "I think the Wiimote is something that holds enormous promise."
Despite Rigopulos' strong statements, no official announcement had been made about a Wii version of Rock Band until Riccitiello's off-hand statement in today's conference call.
After the call, we contacted an EA rep for more details, but all we got was a confirmation that, indeed, a Wii version of Rock Band is coming.
There's still no release date (let alone any word on instruments or how additional song content might work on the Wii), but we'll let you know as soon as more info presents itself.
News first posted: Here
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