router problems...


WiiChat Member
Mar 15, 2009
this is how i want to connect my wii to the internet. insight cable modem>linksys>wii

i know that the linksys is configured correctly...because i configured it at a friends house and it worked perfectly. i was able to connect from a 2wire>linksys>wii. i was wondering if insight digital cable modems are firewalled to not allow this connection through. does anyone have any information?
does your friend have dsl or cable?

unplug/turn off everything.
plug in in this order...
1 cable modem (wait till it connects)
2 router (wait till it connects)
3 pc and wii.

also try this:
clone the mac address of your pc and see what happens (can be found on the linksys website and maybe your instruction manual which is probably on the disk)
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none of that worked. any other ideas?
some advice for routers and modems

your best bet is to change internet service to time warner,get their modem,then go radio shack and get a netgear wireless or wired router and u should be good to go. you'll be payin a little more but it will be worth it in the long run. to connect to the internet at your friends house you will need a wifi connect adaptor and a signal to pick it up! i hope that helped!!!!
dont run out and buy a modem just yet. if you do, you may be on the phone a bit with your cable provider.

ok, be a little more specific about what you have done or tried to do (go into a little more detail)

both your friend and you have Cable internet?

are there any other devices connected to the router? and are they working properly?

what is the routers model number?