Scarface: The World is Yours

no i have godfather, ill pass on that. i never was drawn to that movie anyways.....maybe i just dont appreciate cocaine like i used to ;)
I've already got the XBox version so no intrest in buying it again
I wasn't impressed with the game on the xbox, and I'm definately not impressed that the Wii is getting just another port...
I'll be getting it. I'll have to keep the volume down though - don't really need to hear the f-bomb every 5 seconds with kids in the next room.
ok...right now to lazy to look at the videos..but what exactly do u do in this game...ive never really given it a second look for things like the godfather or scarface game....can someone tell me the jist of it something like GTA?..:S:S
Its suppose to be according to ign almost like GTA Vice City. I'm definetly looking into grabbing it. It is among the 2 i'm definetly grabbing this month. The other being RE4
its a port from the ps2 and xbox version...which were both save your money ...i know im bout to get ripped for this one but in about 2 1/2 weeks transformers is coming.. lol
i might buy this game as i've completed Godfather and need to vent my pent up aggression on something before i go on a killing rampage in my neighbourhood - after all, video games breeds violence :D
I want it... :D

that game is awesome!! so I am defenitely getting it.
As far as you don't know it yet, IGN already reviewed it. Scarface got a pretty sweet 8.5 . I'll probably get it (if it'll come to Germany, which i doubt)