Sensor Bar Color Issue

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i guess but..

the only consoles ive seen [live pictures] have been white

and the only sensor-bars ive seen have been silver

hmm? :tard:
OK then those are the colors (Try to post a little bit less cause I think u are overposting its ok if u dont anyway, When i talk posting I refer temes not comments)
Arcadium said:
OK then those are the colors (Try to post a little bit less cause I think u are overposting its ok if u dont anyway, When i talk posting I refer temes not comments)

You're saying Fierce Deity is posting too often?

Fierce Deity Posts: 10
Arcadium Posts: 343

Do the math:rolleyes:

Anyway, here's a good close up of the sensor bar; I'm not sure, however if this is connected to a black Wii or white Wii, but I presume it's a white one because I don't think they had any black ones at E3. If you're gonna mount it like in the picture, the grey top really isn't visible and it's so small, you hardly notice it, which is nice.

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Arcadium said:
OK then those are the colors (Try to post a little bit less cause I think u are overposting its ok if u dont anyway, When i talk posting I refer temes not comments)

wtf?!?! Arcadium youve have posted ~250 times this month!!! thats been 7 days! Thats almost 36 a day..which is 3 times as many posts Fierce Deity has total... Your the one that needs to stop "overposting".
Agree in reference to Arcadum overposting (not that he is, but he should't say others are)

The sensor bar seems to be very low-profile, and the front has to stay the same IR-Reciever red. Other than that, there isn't really much sensor bar to be had, and what there is will, in most cases, be tucked under the TV, never to be seen. I'm sure they'll just put some cheap finish on it and they'll all be the same to reduce costs on something most people will never see, much less look at
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about that super nice person whos display name escapes me:
the part of the sensor that i am refering to is not the shiny plastic front that emits the signal but the rear part that holds all the electronics

which even in that picture is silver

oh and i wonder what the strange dots are

THANK YOU SO MUCH dwaltin and NateTheGreat [hah i remeberd :)] for having my back and as for you "Arcadium" i actualy liked you as i was ready your MANY posts but now you anger me :mad:

thanks and i LOVE this forum!
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registerednerd said:
Agree in reference to Arcadum overposting (not that he is, but he should't say others are)

The sensor bar seems to be very low-profile, and the front has to stay the same IR-Reciever red. Other than that, there isn't really much sensor bar to be had, and what there is will, in most cases, be tucked under the TV, never to be seen. I'm sure they'll just put some cheap finish on it and they'll all be the same to reduce costs on something most people will never see, much less look at

it aint red

its black
now i understand wtf that crazy guy was talking about.He said arcadium always trys to start fights and scares his little brother or sumthing i couldnt really understand him but he posted it about 100 times.
Well it shouldn't matter anyways right, I mean its not like its even on the wii unit itself. It just rests atop the tv, or below it whichever.

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