Should i sell my wii?

If you don't like it then sell it. Don't listen to people who tell you 2009 is the year of the Wii because every console will have good releases in 2009.
Buy the PS3 outright if you can. You'll probably find some enjoyment in the Wii. If you're short on money and completely despise the Wii, go for it.
I wouldn't personally, I'd keep it, save money and buy a PS3 when you have enough. If your not enjoying the Wii though then sell it, what's holding you back?
It really depends, if you are not playing the Wii anymore then sell it. If you are still liking the Wii but are really interested in the PS3 and it's games then keep the Wii and buy a PS3.

Now if you are really strapped for cash then you are gonna have to make a choice, PS3 or Wii. I personally sold my Wii for a PS3 and do not regret it because my Wii started to just sit in the corner and hardly ever turned on. But others still like their Wii, so it's all on you.

I really wouldn't listen to many people which is why im not really telling you what to do. Just try to make up your mind for yourself because fanboys plague these forums, that goes for Wii fanboys, 360 fanboys and ps3 fanboys.

Go do some research on games, ask what the best games are, then youtube them and read up on them. Research Research Research! But try to keep the info you research more based on fact instead of asking for peoples "OPINIONS" because people will just tell you what they feel and not true facts (depending on what you ask).
It really depends, if you are not playing the Wii anymore then sell it. If you are still liking the Wii but are really interested in the PS3 and it's games then keep the Wii and buy a PS3.

Now if you are really strapped for cash then you are gonna have to make a choice, PS3 or Wii. I personally sold my Wii for a PS3 and do not regret it because my Wii started to just sit in the corner and hardly ever turned on. But others still like their Wii, so it's all on you.

I really wouldn't listen to many people which is why im not really telling you what to do. Just try to make up your mind for yourself because fanboys plague these forums, that goes for Wii fanboys, 360 fanboys and ps3 fanboys.

Go do some research on games, ask what the best games are, then youtube them and read up on them. Research Research Research! But try to keep the info you research more based on fact instead of asking for peoples "OPINIONS" because people will just tell you what they feel and not true facts (depending on what you ask).

This is the best advise you can get on this topic. It's up to you to decide what will work best for you. As mentioned above, research both systems, their strong points and weaknesses, determine what type of games suit you and the availability of those games on the two systems and make your decision from that. Personally I love the Wii and would not get rid of it for any console, but that is me, and what suits our gaming needs. You really have to decide this one yourself, but be sure you are armed with as much information as you can get.
if there are many ps3 games that spark ur interest u should consider getting it. research the games (like T3kNi9e said)!!!
if u never play ur wii u could sell it but u wont get much for it.
u may realize that u get a fraction of what all ur games and console costs. and that it wont help much to the cost of a ps3 and u may decide to keep both.
there are tons of upcoming wii games but if u just dont like then wii sell it.
if u ask wii fans(like most members on the wii forum) they will say keep the wii but if u ask a ps3 fans they would say the same about the ps3.
also a tip: what system ur friends have will also increase the online fun.
good luck
I had a wii at launch, enjoyed it then sold it after the novelty wore out. Actually I didn't wait long enough for the really good games to be out (bwawl, mario kart, galaxy). I just got another one and it's a keepr for sure. I still don't suggest wii if it's your only console. But if you have either a PS3 or 360 the Wii adds a nice niche of games and has it's own really kool feel and fun factor that the other heavy hitters don't have.
Don't sell it,
try to get it for free like what I'm doing.:D
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Depends on what types of games you like. If you like a lot of shooters, or action games then get a PS3 (or a 360 which has 90% of the same games but costs less - initially).
If you're more of a casual player then consider a 360 if Wii still isn't satisfying you.
Unlike the casual friendly PS2, the PS3 is really the most 'hardcore' system this generation.

Don't forget Wii Sports Resort with WiiMotionPlus which gives true 1:1 motion control will be out in a couple months.
No chance! I love my Wii. I'm a pure casual player. There's absolutely nothing on the PS3 that I want to play. My son has a 360 and so far nothing on it interests me either.
I would find some way to keepnot have your cake and eat it too. my Wii and just get a ps3 outright. Why
theres no way to answer the question your the only one who knows

i wouln't if theres an chance of having 2 consoles its eather pswii or wii60 so i would keep it and find a way for $

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