SNK talks about Metal Slug on the Wii:


Yay I'm dead!
Jul 21, 2006
Over the Stars
Kotaku - “There’s also a Wii version?” I inquire. “How different are the graphics?”

SNK - “They are the same. But it’s going to be a launch title. We don’t know the Wii’s launch date yet, but we’re think sometime in the middle of November, just before Thanksgiving.”


There ya have it, nothing much here, but Metal Slug will definately be launch title for Wii, and I personally am going to buy it with my Wii first day! I'm a huge MS fan! :lol:

We know that ms is coming to the wii
but hopefuly not the 3d version its pants
yeah they had a short article somewhere about it, I'm very pumped because I'm a big metal slug fan...they're nothing short of great. Just simple fun
Homicidal_Gamer said:
but with some added wii controller functions.

Oh god no please say its not true.
that will spoil it
Ms = simple games
Yes YES!! MS is simple; button mashing; beating the **** out of those army asses. Using Wii controller functions is bad, VERY BAD, SNK, GO TO YOUR ROOM!
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Darkprinny said:
Oh god no please say its not true.
that will spoil it
Ms = simple games
It's nothing really big, I heard it was just like a quick jab to throw grenades, I dont think they will do that though. ;)

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