Soul Calibur Legends Wii screenshots

lol.....not the best graphics.....i don't understand why zelda and some other games has so nice graphics while some other games are like rubbish .....

anyway.....this stills seems to be super!!! - even the graphics are like Ps1

some games have like just a bit worse than ps3 while other games graphics are much more are not so important!!! :p

by the way....why is SC4 not confirmed for Wii??? (if anyone knows)
En4Neo said:
I have a really bad feeling this game will suck, beat em ups in this decade haven't had the best history
hmm your almost right mortal kombat deadly alliance was a good game very fun and it was a beatem up aswell and it also had the option of battling one another so hopefully the soul caliber team took some notes.

has any1 heard if this game has online play?
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Looks like the Weapon Master or watever its gunna b called is different..
Still looks better!!! whoo
now this i have high hopes for. can't wait to see how the game plays because i defentaly liked the second, haven't really played the third. the best part was that the game was smooth unlike mortal kombat, which is still a great game. even if it sucks u have to give them there props for trying to work with the wii controllars
and those r awesome pic
This game should be real good. Soul Caliber is a great game and it'll be nothing but better on the wii. And it's most likely to have online capabilities.
better or all hope for it being awesome will fall. ok not fall but be sadden on the fact it isn't online.
hopefully it be easy to pick up and play since it was kinda hard with dragon ball z for the wii. i sucked at that for a day or 2
i don't know about you guys...but this game turns out to be are better than any other wii game (check new trailers).... :)