storing your mii


WiiChat Member
Nov 23, 2006
So can you actually store your mii on your controller? I thought i read that somewhere but I have yet to see anyone on these forums who got a wii comment on it. so..?
Yup, I have my Mii on my controller. As a matter of fact there are more slots to store more than just your Mii. It's pretty cool because my brother is getting a Wii at his new apartment so I can bring my Mii over there when I wreck him at Wiisports.
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thats awesome, what else can you store? How much space is there?
What's the difference between having the mii on the remote or on the console? I copied mine to my remote, but do I really need to have it on the remote AND on the console?
chsoriano said:
What's the difference between having the mii on the remote or on the console? I copied mine to my remote, but do I really need to have it on the remote AND on the console?

Nope, you can have it on just the console. It is only to transfer your Mii from console to console AND it is good to back it up just incase something happens to your Wii.
for the mii to upload to my friends wii, would it use my mii automatically in games? or would I have to put it on his plaza?

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