Super Galaxy Announced for 2010


WiiChat Member
Jan 27, 2009
Super Mario Galaxy 2 Announced for 2010

Just saw on the press conference. Looked amazing.
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yeah that video looked great! i cant wait to run around on yoshi. Im shocked that this is a direct sequeal to a mario game, i dont think thats ever happend before??
Miyamoto said in the Round Table that it's 95% new and much harder than the 1st one because the 1st one was tailored for the casual so this new one is for the OGs. If this game turns out to be anywhere as fun as the 1st one then it's going to be a great game. One of the best things out of E3 2009 out of all 3 systems.
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Miyamoto said in the Round Table that it's 95% new and much harder than the 1st one because the 1st one was tailored for the casual so this new one is for the OGs. If this game turns out to be anywhere as fun as the 1st one then it's going to be a great game. One of the best things out of E3 2009 out of all 3 systems.

He admitted it was "tailored for the casual"?
How can something we've already seen look amazing? It looks like the same game.

Ok this is a complete double standard toward Nintendo gamers. Looking at the trailer I saw new puzzles, a new item (that top spinning thing), and new bosses. That should be enough for a sequel. I mean when Sony showed of God of War 3 it was pretty much the same game as God of War 2 just...different. You don't hear any PSfanboys saying "AH MAN! Its the same thing!! I'm not excited" No! They saw the subtle upgrades they needed to see and they were excited.

Honestly I think a lot of you are just so used to hating Nintendo at this point that they can do no right. They unvieled 3 new major projects for Wii, and have a slew of quality content coming from third parties, why are you all still so bitter.
Ok this is a complete double standard toward Nintendo gamers. Looking at the trailer I saw new puzzles, a new item (that top spinning thing), and new bosses. That should be enough for a sequel. I mean when Sony showed of God of War 3 it was pretty much the same game as God of War 2 just...different. You don't hear any PSfanboys saying "AH MAN! Its the same thing!! I'm not excited" No! They saw the subtle upgrades they needed to see and they were excited.

Honestly I think a lot of you are just so used to hating Nintendo at this point that they can do no right. They unvieled 3 new major projects for Wii, and have a slew of quality content coming from third parties, why are you all still so bitter.

I agree, a lot of people seem very negative no matter what Nintendo do. Two new Mario games and a new Metroid should be enough to satisfy any gamer, yet they'll complain that there was no new Zelda on show (despite it being announced) or F-Zero or Starfox (yet they'll ignore the awesome looking Sin & Punishment 2). If those games had been on show then they would have been complaining about no new Mario or Metroid. There's just no pleasing some people.
im stoked it looks great and I saw some new gameplay mechanics as well. yoshi is gonna be awesome!! I don't mind if the basic idea is the same as long as the worlds are bigger, the stars are harder to get and there are new techniques etc. hell i would have loved for them to come out with mario 64 2 with the same exact premise except have more castles to explore or something.
I agree, a lot of people seem very negative no matter what Nintendo do. Two new Mario games and a new Metroid should be enough to satisfy any gamer, yet they'll complain that there was no new Zelda on show (despite it being announced) or F-Zero or Starfox (yet they'll ignore the awesome looking Sin & Punishment 2). If those games had been on show then they would have been complaining about no new Mario or Metroid. There's just no pleasing some people.

Ok this is a complete double standard toward Nintendo gamers. Looking at the trailer I saw new puzzles, a new item (that top spinning thing), and new bosses. That should be enough for a sequel. I mean when Sony showed of God of War 3 it was pretty much the same game as God of War 2 just...different. You don't hear any PSfanboys saying "AH MAN! Its the same thing!! I'm not excited" No! They saw the subtle upgrades they needed to see and they were excited.

Honestly I think a lot of you are just so used to hating Nintendo at this point that they can do no right. They unvieled 3 new major projects for Wii, and have a slew of quality content coming from third parties, why are you all still so bitter.

WOW!!! Where were you guys last year?? Here at Wiichat I said the same things as you two and everyone bombarded me with hate and fail posters.

Thanks guys I'm rethinking my Wiichat retirement now.:thumbsup:

Sometimes I wonder if these dorks are 360/PS3 fanboys in disguise. I mean the hypocrisy is unavoidable. Last year they shot down MotionPlus yet this year they call Natal the "wii killer" and praise MS's casual fest.
A lot of these same "Nintendo fans" called motion control a gimmick yet are praising Sony's 5 year late effort.

Sheep in Wolfs clothing??
Jesus. For once I'm going to agree with what navarre said(in a different thread.). Some people just can't be pleased, even if you give them everything they've asked for. This year they have put out a lot of VC titles that everyones been asking for, had many GREAT 3rd party exclusives released, SOLVED THE FRIGGIN' STORAGE SOLUTION!!!, and gave a better E3. And next year we have all these first party titles everyones been asking for like Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin, Pokemon, Sin & Punishment 2, etc. ... AND STILL PEOPLE COMPLAINE!!! What more should Nintendo do!? Go to your house a give you a fuucking foot massage!? Jesus Christ...


...fuucking caps.
How can something we've already seen look amazing? It looks like the same game.

umm what the hell are you talking about?? You think nintendo would wait a year to release the same damn game?? i dont think so... wait till part 2 comes out when it does compare the visuals, i bet that part 2 will look better compared to the first.. so no not the same game.. dont be an ass..
Video. That drill power-up is awesome. [video=youtube;QBVUEYaYx54][/video]

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