Super Mario 64- Only Classic Controller?


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006
St Louis
Wii Online Code
Hey guys, I just downloaded Mario 64 and even though the "purchase" screen showed icons for both the classic controller and the gamecube controller, when I went to play it told me I must purchase the classic controller to play this game. Did anyone else notice this or am I doing something wrong? I don't want to go buy a classic controller when my Wavebird is sitting right here.

The weird thing is that it tells me to either plug the clasic controller into the Wiimote or press A to go back to the Menu. When I press A with the Wavebird controller, it goes back to the menu but none of the other buttons work. So it's obviously recognizing my Wavebird controller.

Any ideas?

Maybe you must configure the game for it to be used with the wavebird, so I actually don't know.
i dont know about the wavebirds but it does work with normal GC controllers. try changing the channels on the wavebird. that might make it work.
Mitch2025 said:
i dont know about the wavebirds but it does work with normal GC controllers. try changing the channels on the wavebird. that might make it work.

Wavebirds work aswell with the wii, they don't make any problem
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Thanks for the input. I should've been more thorough with reading other threads. Someone mentiond somewhere else to be sure you are in port 1 and not port 4- that was my problem. Port one is near the front of the Wii and I was in the port near the memory card.

OK- I'm off to get 120 Stars!
i know they work but mario 64 has some trouble with GC controllers and the fix is to keep changing controller ports untill it works but since the wavebird doesnt need to be pluged in because of the built in support, i suggested changing the channels on it to see if that would work
Well you still have to plug the wavebird receiver in. There is no built in support. I use a wavebird with Mario64 and haven't experienced any problems ever.

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