Super Mario Galaxy = Slot Illumination?


Feb 18, 2008
Hi, im kinda new here but i have been using this site to look up FAQ's about my wii. Recently i started playing Super Mario Galaxy and receiverd my first S.O.S. from Luigi. When i turned off my console the blue slot was pulsating. I checked the message on the message board and it stopped but now I have received the rest of his letters and the slot wont light up. I am in an area with no internet and i want my slot to light up! HELP!!!
Ok, it wont light up unless you have a message on your message board.
I'm not sure why u want it to light up seeing it just wastes power that on something useless...just next time dont check ur messages... it will still go away if u save luigi...i think...not sure. anyway mario galaxy was fun but so increadibly easy it bore me.
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Ok, thanks! Hmm... touche, it was fun but pretty boring i have had it for 3 weeks and i have already beaten it, oh well.
X@vier said:
did u guys get all the 241 stars?
and got the email from the SMG staff?
if u didn't get back to it :p


242 stars if you do the final galaxy with mario after luigi. :cornut:
Hi, i'm new to the site but i have had my wii for a long time. But now my Wi-Fi isn't working well for my DS. And the registration tool won't open when i click it. Do you know what's wrong?
SMASHBRO#1 said:
Ok, it wont light up unless you have a message on your message board.
I'm not sure why u want it to light up seeing it just wastes power that on something useless...just next time dont check ur messages... it will still go away if u save luigi...i think...not sure. anyway mario galaxy was fun but so increadibly easy it bore me.

:wtf: you cant waste power........... electricity is made up of electrons.
it blinks when u get mail
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ssbbking said:
:wtf: you cant waste power........... electricity is made up of electrons.
What on earth are you talking about? :S Do you honestly think that having a light switched on uses no more power than having it switched off? Yes, electricity is just electrons flowing through conductive materials, but what does that have to do with anything? It doesn't mean you can power devices infinitely with a finite supply of electricity. If you use electricity for something pointless, you're wasting power.
power is current times voltage. Current is the rate of electrons flowing per unit time. To make those electrons move, you need a potential difference or voltage.

The energy to supply the current must be produced at a power plant for you to consume in the form of power disipation. So of course you can waste power. There is a little more to electricity than just random electrons floating around.
I thought we as citizens were supposed to be conserving power right now because it uses oil somewhere. And we are on the verge of an oil chrisis.

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