Super smash bros brawl Friend Code

If anyone adds me they will get cookies!* My fc's in my sig.

Anyone who add's me will not recieve cookies from me. They may or may not have to go out and buy some. Or perhaps someone will make them cookies.
Hey please add me i've always loved ssb, ssbm and ssbb i have only just started playing again and i want to get the most out of this game so please add me i have added everyone who have posted their friend codes on this thread :) please i just cannot wait for the new ssb for 3ds and wii U my friend code is: 1461 7731 8295 name: jake
Hey I love SSBB too my FC is 2322-9937-7809 name: PHLIP

please add me as well my brawl code: 3825-2034-6551my username on brawl is Enoch
Added you. My brawl name is PHLIP and my FC is 2322-9937-7809
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If you want to make friends with me on super smash bros brawl let me know my friend code on super smash bros brawl is 0218-9588-1789
I added you.


If you want to make friends with me on super smash bros brawl add me

Your friend code is incorrect. Check again.
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Here's my friend code I really need people to play with and I'm online right now ready to play. 2624-2122-3041
Add me! I"m online now!

ssbb fc :395489481526 rini (snake)
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