Survey: RROD problems declining, Wii most reliable console


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Here's something that should make Microsoft happy. According to a recent survey, the failure rates for the Xbox 360 console is actually on the decline thanks in part to the introduction of the Jasper chipset.

The survey was conducted by SquareTrade, which is supposedly the largest independent warranty provider in the world. The data they collected apparently shows that RROD instances have steadily been declining since Q2 2008. The Jasper chipset, rolled out late last year, is also believed to have "likely solved" the problem.

The survey also covered the PS3 and Wii. Of the three consoles, the Wii was found to be nine times more reliable than the Xbox 360 and four times more reliable than the PS3. Wii owners were found to more likely encounter power and remote control issues while PS3 and Xbox 360 owners had more trouble with disc read errors and output issues

heres the link
I have had my 360 for a few years now
Still no RROD

I think these older consoles are more reliable
*looks at Binatone*
25 years and counting
thats good if only wii had a dvd channel to be in competition with ps3 & xboxs video player
thats good if only wii had a dvd channel to be in competition with ps3 & xboxs video player
So if any console has a DVD player its a competition?
What about the Noun?
Oh wait that's a DVD player that has the highest avarige rating for games ever
well if nintendo had a dvd channel and only sony and microsoft does then most of the people in america that likes nintendo will find more use for wii . being a wii owner i prefer to have a dvd . One the side if this happens sony and moucrosoft will have to finds ways to beat nintendo , even though more peopole buy wii since it is so interactive .

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