Team Ninja Says Wii U Tech Specs are Still in Flux


Super Moderator
Jul 7, 2011

Eurogamer reports today that Dead or Alive 5 developers, the fabulously named Team Ninja, have been telling NGamer magazine all about their experiences of working on the Wii U version of Ninja Gaiden 3. According to Team Ninja, developing for the Wii U is “very easy… almost exactly like on the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.” Team Ninja’s Yosuke Hayashi added that even at this late stage, the Wii U’s hardware specs are still in flux. “They asked us what we would want from the hardware, and when we give them feedback we can see that they have definitely listened and [are] making changes. The hardware is still changing constantly.” His fellow Team Ninja mate Fumihiko Yasuda contributed some information about the Wii U’s much talked about touch-screen tablet controller, saying that the controls were similar to those of the Nintendo DS hand-held console, adding that the team were looking to “introduce some elements” from its DS game, Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, into the Wii U game. [/FONT]

Dragon Sword controls on a console Ninja Gaiden? I'm interested.

Nor am I surprised Ninty is working with developers' advice to make the console both better and easier to develop with.

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