Hello If u are looking for a good, loyal,friendly fun black ops clan then KgN is the place for you KgN is ranked number one in 4-5 top 100 sites and luckily for you are recruiting, we are the best in teamwork speed and numbers, if you wish to join go to this web site
kgnteam.com and drop by our xat chat box to request admission to the clan,
number 1 no tubing unless provoked by other team when they are noob tubing no rpgs unless provoked or taking out spyplane or helicopter
number 2 respect not only moderators and leaders but all members and clanmates
number 3 teasing is fine and good but no pregidous comments please
number 4 have fun we are the best clan but remember that we like to have fun we arent always competetive so come down and just have a good time.
remember the site is kgnteam.com we also have a xbox360 and ps3 roster for you people who play both wii and ps3 or xbox and when u get in the chat please tell the moderators or leaders that KgN_shado wolf sent you
have fun and good luck soldiers
forgot something and btw kgn members are ussually in xat chat from 10 in morning to 8-9 at night
Bumpity bump bump bump
kgnteam.com and drop by our xat chat box to request admission to the clan,
number 1 no tubing unless provoked by other team when they are noob tubing no rpgs unless provoked or taking out spyplane or helicopter
number 2 respect not only moderators and leaders but all members and clanmates
number 3 teasing is fine and good but no pregidous comments please
number 4 have fun we are the best clan but remember that we like to have fun we arent always competetive so come down and just have a good time.
remember the site is kgnteam.com we also have a xbox360 and ps3 roster for you people who play both wii and ps3 or xbox and when u get in the chat please tell the moderators or leaders that KgN_shado wolf sent you
forgot something and btw kgn members are ussually in xat chat from 10 in morning to 8-9 at night
Bumpity bump bump bump
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