The conduit sales figures?

If you're talking worldwide, they have sold 160,000. In the Americas, they have sold around 130,000 copies.
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Dang that sucks. We need this game to do better for the future of the Wii. Dang Nintendo and Sega, they need to spend a little more on marketing like how they do to all those casual games.
Dang that sucks. We need this game to do better for the future of the Wii. Dang Nintendo and Sega, they need to spend a little more on marketing like how they do to all those casual games.

Why do people always blame Nintendo for 3rd party sales?

I haven't seen any casual games that have had any kind of marketing. Stuff like Carnival Games, Game Party etc sell well enough without it. Usually because the box 'looks fun' or they are cheap.

The only games that get any kind of concentrated advertising are Nintendo's own core franchises, in fact only Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy and Wii Fit have had really decent advertising. It is probably no suprise that they are the top selling titles.

The Conduit has had some TV spots but sales were never going to be huge because the genre would appeal to those outside of the casual market, a large percentage of which probably also own a 360 or PS3, meaning they already have better FPS options than The Conduit.
Why do people always blame Nintendo for 3rd party sales?

I haven't seen any casual games that have had any kind of marketing. Stuff like Carnival Games, Game Party etc sell well enough without it. Usually because the box 'looks fun' or they are cheap.

The only games that get any kind of concentrated advertising are Nintendo's own core franchises, in fact only Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy and Wii Fit have had really decent advertising. It is probably no suprise that they are the top selling titles.

The Conduit has had some TV spots but sales were never going to be huge because the genre would appeal to those outside of the casual market, a large percentage of which probably also own a 360 or PS3, meaning they already have better FPS options than The Conduit.

Which probably brings me to a point where The Conduit could of have a lot more options and done much more if the Wii let it.

And yes, the Conduit had some advertisements on T.V and elsewhere. Although, if anyone has ever seen the Punch Out commercials, those are the best. Not only does it bring a sense of nostalgia to previous players, but it also targets newcomers with a quirky, fun arcade-style game and presentation. I give major props to Nintendo for doing it that way.
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Sony and Microsoft help market thrid parties games with their ads unlike Nintendo which only does thiers. For example look at one of the TV spots for Microsoft and Sony and you'll see more then just 1st party games on it. The causal market not need to market like the rest but they do enough to get enough sales. The sales of those games doesn't need to be has high as The Conduit so their ads are limited to where they need to be and how long. The Conduit should still have ads up but no they are already removed pretty much everywhere.
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  • #8
Sega release the sales figures for The Conduit but it's only show last quarter which is at 150,000. So currently that means the game could have done much better now considering the game was release in Eurp. in July and is not part last quarter.

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