The conspiracy?


Get Money Dummy
Sep 22, 2007
Kansas City
Wii Online Code
Its funny how when i say that the wii shortage is being done on purpose i get tons of people saying im just a wii hater, and im a dumb ****, and bla bla bla. but its funny how i and others on wii chat arent the only ones who think this. Its funny how people that are in the buisness world have the same, and some what differnt theory on the wii shortage that is going on. hmmm well i don't need your hate just posting the article you can judge for your selfs but before you go on your fanboy rants these are people from the wall street journal and i think they know more about buisness than us on here so with out further delay here ya go.
I'm not saying your a dumb ****, but I think you are wrong about this huge conspiracy and fake shortages - if only for the reason that why would Nintendo benefit more from selling Wii's or DS's AFTER Christmas rather than before?

The Christmas selling period is one that has always held more kudos, and the shortage of Wiis (and the price hikes of the ones that are available) mean that right now in the UK it's cheaper (yes cheaper!) to buy a PS3 than it is a Wii from real "bricks and mortar" shops.

This isn't a good thing for Nintendo, so why would they create a false shortage? It doesn't make sense.

The Wii is in short supply because they are are so damn fun, every family wants one. There physically aren't enough of them to go round.

I feel sorry for those that have to plump for a PS3.... the shame! :blush2:

Well the article is a well written one, with no more than professional speculation about business practices..

Basically Nintendo is a very conservative company, that in combination with current consumerism business practices (that also err on the side of too little stock) have led to not enough Wii's.

Far from a conspiracy, but more than likely a completely believable explanation to the shortages.
Who cares? If it is a conspiracy than it is. What does it matter. What is the difference between conspiracy and a good sales trick. Let's focus on the fact that Nintendo's smarter then Sony and Microsoft. Let's turn this into love for the wii ^^
yungblood6 said:
Its funny how when i say that the wii shortage is being done on purpose i get tons of people saying im just a wii hater, and im a dumb ****, and bla bla bla. but its funny how i and others on wii chat arent the only ones who think this. Its funny how people that are in the buisness world have the same, and some what differnt theory on the wii shortage that is going on. hmmm well i don't need your hate just posting the article you can judge for your selfs but before you go on your fanboy rants these are people from the wall street journal and i think they know more about buisness than us on here so with out further delay here ya go.

Take an economics class, demand will almost always be higher than quantity in this case because nintendo doesn't outsource it's production. I repeat: NINTENDO DOES NOT OUTSOURCE IT'S PRODUCTION. Do you understand that it puts a serious cramp in quantitiy unlike Microsoft and Sony who are much bigger entities that can handle production throughout the year and not just Christmas. I didn't need to get that from Wall Street. Also, you have to take into account, it's not Nintendo's fault that too many people are waiting in line to buy their Wiis only to turn around and sell them on ebay to turn $250 into $500. Whatever, I guess I am just a fanboy and you're probably not even going to read this.
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Why so much hate against Nintendo? They're doing what's best for their bottom line - intended shortage or not.

It makes no sense to constantly whine over who is winning the console war and whether or not it is due to some "conspiracy". Get over yourself, it is what it is. Pick a console and shut up. Be happy with the console(s) you have, be it a Wii, PS3, XBox, or whatever.

ETA: For what it's worth, I don't think it's a conspiracy.
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yungblood6 said:
Its funny how when i say that the wii shortage is being done on purpose i get tons of people saying im just a wii hater, and im a dumb ****, and bla bla bla. but its funny how i and others on wii chat arent the only ones who think this. Its funny how people that are in the buisness world have the same, and some what differnt theory on the wii shortage that is going on. hmmm well i don't need your hate just posting the article you can judge for your selfs but before you go on your fanboy rants these are people from the wall street journal and i think they know more about buisness than us on here so with out further delay here ya go.

So, I've been over this before.

Nintendo is making 1.8 Million units a month now.
To compare, Sony is producing roughly 300,000 PS3's a month.

So why is the Wii hard to find? It's selling 350-400 thousand units A WEEK.
Demand for the Wii is significantly higher than other units.

Yes, gamers want a Wii, and a PS3, and a 360.
But Grandma Also wants a Wii
And the Gym coach wants ten of them.
And, for that matter, so does a huge portion of the population who never wanted to play video games before.

People, particularly Wall Street analysts, don't seem to understand how far outside the normal target market Nintendo has stretched with the Wii.
Quite frankly, I don't trust your opinion on anything to do with Wii.

The post's of your's I have read have always been anti-Wii, or reason the 360 is better, or why Nintendo will lose the console war.

Yeah. "Unbiased".
i'd have to say my new favorite thing about yungblood is he never goes back and replies to posts in his threads, especially when people prove him wrong. hell, in one thread i backed him up saying that friend codes are crap and he just accused me of "being up the companys ass" and being a "fanboy"...because i agreed with him...right...
There is no conspiracy

Most companies will gear up production in the summer to have a reserve for the coming holiday season. Well the shortage came about because they couldn't keep them in stock through the summer either.

I don't know how this came about, but there is no difference in buying a Wii now or in August. You couldn't find them in a store regardless. I got mine in August and ended up having to wait outside in a line at my local Circuit City one Sunday morning.... in AUGUST!!!

Nintendo is gaining nothing by having a shortage (except driving up demand), but in fact the shortage is leading people to purchase other systems and look at alternatives. THAT, my friend, doesn't fall in Nintendo's favor.

Plus the point of the Wii is to have one in EVERY home. You can't do that when you can't keep up with the demand. Trust me, if Nintendo could keep up, it would. I'm sure Nintendo would love to sell hundreds of thousands of more consoles this Christmas.
so let me get this straight? You think that Nintendo is intentionally holding systems back from the consumers meaning they are intentionally dropping their sales? What benefit does Nintendo get out of this?

It would kind of make sense if the console wasn't to be sold and a set price because then they could mark up the ones that are being sold a ton...but that's not the case.

Can someone give me a good reason behind why they might be doing this (besides creating a buzz, which is a dumb reason too lose out on so much sales). It's my understanding that they just can't make them fast enough...
Just so you people know there ARE financial benefits to holding the supply back. For instance. Nearly every Christmas there's that one special it a furby, tickle-me-elmo, etc. It's always a toy that never expected to be big, but over time the supply doesn't keep up with the demand and the hype grows. Then the TV/newspaper will talk about how theres not enough of this toy to go around, and it makes kids want it. Parents hear about it and think it's a great toy their kids would enjoy. The hype grows and grows because of supply is smaller than demand (a good thing) and in the long run it will increase sales. The shortage makes people just want it more.

Think about it. MORE people want the Wii just cause they hear about how impossible it is to find. Nintendo wants the talk about Wii shortage to stick through Christmas. It's essentially advertising the Wii and how great it is for them.

It's smart for Nintendo not to saturate the market with Wii's, but to keep a steady pace that's not too little and too much to keep the demand high. Since when did smart business practice = conspiracy? This is a very common tactic and is used all the time.