The long story


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
This is a fun little game thingy
I start a story and we all add words (one each post and no double posting)to it (in bold) untill we get bored or we run outa pagies (the record on one of my other forums is 12 and its still going) the words have to have meaning and kinda follow wats going on 9but still be random

and no swaering theres kids on this forum

heres the start

A girl
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  • #3
wrong one word each and its suposed to have the rest of the text in it and your WORD has to be in bold
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  • #5
A girl fell onto
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  • #7
no its one word each
A girl onto her fat
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  • #9
A girl fell onto her fat brother Mike's

remember keep it clean
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  • #11
A girl fell onto her fat brother Mike's controller that
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  • #13
A girl fell onto her fat brother Mike's controller that exploded into
A girl fell onto her fat brother Mike's controller that exploded into bits of

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