The Wait On Announcing The Date And Price

D Twizzle

Lovin' The Wii
Aug 16, 2006
Nottingham, England
Wii Online Code
I think Nintendo are being very shrewd about this, I mean Sony announced there date a while ago but Nintendo have only been vauge about theres

I bet Nintendo will announce the date a month or two before it arrives (Didn't they do this with the DS) to hype the whole thing up just as its avaliable (Unlike those horrible 'You Cant Buy This Yet' N64 adverts)
I dont remember the N64 Ads...or NDS release dates. But there releasing info next month! WOOT!
no offense but this is the same as thousands of other threads out there
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Sam_Harris said:
no offense but this is the same as thousands of other threads out there
Some people do not know the power of the search engine.

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