Upcoming NA VC releases


WiiChat Member
Jun 5, 2007
Hi guys

I got an update today from nintendo which include a metroid prime 3 preview and include in that was a little blog that states for a fact that Metroid will be released for VC on August 13th while super metroid releases August 20th. These are guaranteed considering the source and the preview is in 4 parts with the last 2 parts releasing on the 13th of this month. The preview looked really cool though and I can't wait for August 27th.
Yeah! They also released BoF2 in Europe. I'm getting both Metriod games and playing them back to back later.
It was pretty cool to see the update last morning when I woke up. I just wish they would have let you actually play the game and not just watch some preview for it. ^^

With the VC, there are two things that really could help them out, and that I would really like.

1) Free Demos available for download from the VC library.

2) To recieve a message from Nintendo every time the VC library is updated and what games were added.
They have a demo channel. Go to the website Nintendo lists on VC and start watching 15-30 second trailers of the games. It should be enough for most games.
Oh, I know about that. But most of those videos take 10-15 seconds to even start the game. Then once it's started the person playing the game does a terrible job and keeps taking damage/dies/barely does anything. 15 seconds really doesn't do any of the games justice. Except for China Warrior, I never want to see that game again. >.>

The kind of demo I'm talking about is one you download from the Channel that you can play yourself and see how you like the game.

Thanks for your post though. :)
Well, guess it will finally be time to get some points again if these two actually end up coming out. Not getting too excited until it actually happens though!
Am i the only one who thought that Prime 3 demo was worthless? I mean i can go look up videos on the net. I couldnt even watch the videos on my wii w/o them having to buffer. Ruined the whole experience. I got the game on pre-order and paid off already......IM EXCTIED!!!!!