Virtual Console Points Card

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  • #16
I feel like people really should know at least a little something about everything when you work at a store. I mean let's say you work in the television department that information can carry over into computers (ex: LCD screens, TFT screens, etc) or Video Games the resolutions the consoles offer 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p etc. I know that those people are not trained specifically in other departments, but you should because that is what being a salesman is about. Thank God I don't have to work that kind of job though.

I've been to Best Buy and dealt with the sales people that try to "help" you, but they really want you buy something and I always turn down help because I know I know more than them. Sometimes I hear their sales talk with other GULLIBLE customers and I swear they just say model numbers and high performance ranges and best bang for your buck speeches and people but something they know nothing about. Like 71 year old women (the ones that know nothing about electronics) buying a 7.1 DTS Home Theatre System.

csiguy4u said:
I agree. . .generally very few Best Buy employees are more knowledgeable about their products than those of us who actually have an interest in electronics/pc's/video games. Most Best Buy employees are just smart enough to fool the average consumer into buying something more than they really want/need.
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  • #17
That is what you should do as an honest sale representative. Give them the basics of what the product can do and get them a great product and deal.

lloyd_yayo said:
haha gotta keep it real, most people are like that. not me doe, i always try to talk people into the best deal for them, stuff on sale, etc. and i know a good amount of the whole store.
All of the GameStop and EB Games retailers sell the 2,000 Wii Points cards for $29.99 not including tax. Its a huge rip-off.
Redan499 said:
All of the GameStop and EB Games retailers sell the 2,000 Wii Points cards for $29.99 not including tax. Its a huge rip-off.
wow, your better off just buying the points with a cred card off the shop channel
Its not only cards being overpriced, only a few stores around here sell wiimotes for 39.99, many others sell for 49.99. Walmart sells it for 19.99 in wisconsin, with our sales tax it comes to 20.99 (5% sales tax). For most its probably cheaper than using a credit card which has interest. Anyways I recommend debit cards anyways.
xbandaidx said:
Its not only cards being overpriced, only a few stores around here sell wiimotes for 39.99, many others sell for 49.99. Walmart sells it for 19.99 in wisconsin, with our sales tax it comes to 20.99 (5% sales tax). For most its probably cheaper than using a credit card which has interest. Anyways I recommend debit cards anyways.

If you pay off your CC before the end of the month you don't get charged interest on it. . .at least all 3 of my CC's are that way. I always pay off my CC before the end of the month, unless it's one of those 0% interest for so many months.
I just bought 5000 points off the channel that should hold me for awhile and then I will buy another 5000.
i got mine off the wii's online store. best buy didnt even have any overpriced cards in stock is whats sad.

sidenote: circuit city had a sale on wiimotes when they were out of stock, but the day they got them in the sale ended.... fun!
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I don't know what EB Games/GameStop you go to, but all the ones I have been too are $19.99.

Redan499 said:
All of the GameStop and EB Games retailers sell the 2,000 Wii Points cards for $29.99 not including tax. Its a huge rip-off.
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  • #27
It seems like around holidays people jack up the price (eBay users obviously) because you can make a higher profit and the low availability of the items as well. I love credit cards. You only have interest if you don't pay them off right away.

xbandaidx said:
Its not only cards being overpriced, only a few stores around here sell wiimotes for 39.99, many others sell for 49.99. Walmart sells it for 19.99 in wisconsin, with our sales tax it comes to 20.99 (5% sales tax). For most its probably cheaper than using a credit card which has interest. Anyways I recommend debit cards anyways.
Instead of a Wii points card, if all you can find is overpriced, why not a visa or mastercard gift card. You dont pay tax and the Gamer can use it to get points on the VC.


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