Viruses/adware/spyware on Wii console.


WiiChat Member
Sep 29, 2007
Alberta Canada
Just got the Internet Channel.

Do I need to be concerned about picking up a virus, etc? If so is there anti-virus software for the Wii, freeware out there to scan?
The Wii can not get infected by adware/trogans/wtc. because
1. No hard-drive.
2. it's operating system can't store & write all the data from the Internet channel like a pc can.
The Wii can not get infected by adware/trogans/wtc. because
1. No hard-drive.
2. it's operating system can't store & write all the data from the Internet channel like a pc can.
It has a flash hard drive
2. Kinda right
But only about the OS bit

Virusis are made by evil people (and microsoft) that have nothing better to do so there mainly made for the best selling OS (XP user here) there has been one for mobile phones in the past but that is mainly due to nearly everybody owning one.

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