What are your thoughts on Red Steels New Video?


WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2006
Australia, Perth
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Hey i so that new video of red steel from the LGC (if u havnt seen it go to www.redsteelgame.com and click on videos

Well, i thought it was horrible in comparison to the first one, when i saw the first one i fell in love with Red Steel but after this.....All i'll say is that its changing my thoughts i mean the shootings ok but WTF is the sword fighting about? The first videos sword fighting was the best thing i had ever seen, but this? Is this some kind of Joke? The guy who he fights looks like crappy graphics and why does his sword (the players) just come straight back to its original point?

Plz reply, especially to sword fighting bit
Yea i agree with the sword fighting, the latest official trailer did put a few doubts in my head.

The gun battle techniques and controls look pretty clean now, would hate to see the sword fighting let it down. I'd imagine it to play a small part in the game, it would be the safest bet from the developers point of view.
I liked the visual style. I liked the fact that the bulletholes shone light through better before he gets to the roof.

The sword fighting bit seemed a little clumsy, but still quite fun.

I'm just wondering what the other levels are going to be like, and if there's multiple paths through the game/levels...
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exactly my thoughts, to sum it up: Shooting was great but Swordfighting needs improvement
This game means PURE DISSAPOINTMENT for me. The newest footages show a game that is, quite basically, the same great-possibility-that-was-ruined-by-it's-developers of always. The gameplay is SLOW and sloppy, the aiming looks very of the game, very beautiful - human-like precision - movements, colours, textures and everything). Putting it short: I'm VERY DISSAPOINTED with this game. I was expecting a hell of a lot more (like what they've promised me - and us) and "that" is was we gain??? For F***'s sake. Just compare with details what was first promised and what they're actually delivering! What abodifficult and SLOW!, the graphics barely improved with time - still way too far away from their promised/targered level (the one shown in the first OFFICIAL trailler ut the freehand movements!??? As a (possible) consumer, i'm quite pissed.

p.s. It looks like s*** because my PC fu*** with the order i gave to the sentences.
1. The aiming is slow and unprecise;

2. The Graphics are sloppy, the textures are not as colourful as the first trailler, the details are less obvious;

3. The animation is too far away from what was first promised, it's (again!) sloppy, slow and definitely NOT human-like fluid;

4. Their marketing is way too exagerated and false (like the guy getting wet with water while blowing the fishs up - exactly while the "action" actually shown on screen is SLOW and UNinteresting!...);

That's all. Observe and tell me i'm wrong...
ok... i just looked at the trailer.

what is everyone complaining about? maybe i'm missing something, but i dunno... did some parts seem a bit grainy? yeah. they did. that could be attributed to a poor transfer to the file format, or the file format itself.

this could also be footage from a month or two ago, when things weren't as polished. should that have been the case? no.. but sometimes marketing departments, and the executives that drive them, are morons. trust me, i know. i work in a marketing department.

there's no point in griping about a game until you can see the finished product. wait for it to release, read a review, and if you need to see for yourself, rent it. :) personally, i'm pretty pleased with what i saw. i'm looking forward to playing it.
CadaveR (Ivo) said:
1. The aiming is slow and unprecise;
The footage was pre-done. He wasn't actually playing it for real. I'm not surprised they got the timing slightly off.

2. The Graphics are sloppy, the textures are not as colourful as the first trailler, the details are less obvious;
I think it's more to do with the new "style". I think people complained about the graphics before, because they were too bold. I could play either way. As for the textures, I think you're right, that they haven't really improved all that much, but there's still some time to go before the final product.

3. The animation is too far away from what was first promised, it's (again!) sloppy, slow and definitely NOT human-like fluid;
I think this was only really noticable on the sword fighting part. I agree, they aren't quite there. I prefered the movements from the original trailer, so hopefully they'll either revert back to that or they will implement a better system for it. I like the idea of "Rag-doll Physics". Anyone know if it's being implented into Red Steel?

4. Their marketing is way too exagerated and false (like the guy getting wet with water while blowing the fishs up - exactly while the "action" actually shown on screen is SLOW and UNinteresting!...);
I laughed at the guy getting wet. I think it was designed to show how emersed one can get in the game. Although I have to say, I found it relatively exciting. Ok, so it was mainly one-on-one battles, but hey, it's still good.

That's all. Observe and tell me i'm wrong...
I won't say you're wrong, but I will say that I think you're being too hard on it. As somebody who only liked the game after seeing the first trailer, I wasn't expecting much, but it perked my interest. Though I can see where you're coming from.
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i trust them, i was just dissapointed with the lines of the sword....


and ragdoll would be sweet, otherwise as with all wii games, we will have to see it played to judge it correctly
I think the video looked good.

The one problem I have with it is that the opponents looked like they were cut out and pasted on. It just didn't look right.

But I can definitely get over that, especially if the gameplay is great :)
Does anyone notice that it looks really hard to aim with the remote...?

Everytime I see a person playing they shoot crazy all over the place never hitting the enemies.

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