What I don't like about Animal Crossing


looking for ACCF friends
Jan 25, 2009
Cairo, Missouri
Wii Online Code
There are a couple of things that bother me about Animal Crossing City Folk that I just have to get off my chest. First off, why does Nook's store close earlier as you progress through the game? It seems it should stay open later to reward you as you spend more bells, perhaps after the last upgrade even staying open 24 hours. Sometimes the only time I can play is after 9 or 10 at night, and too many things are closed to really get anything done. Yea I know about the time travel thing, but I've read your turnips will spoil, and It's too close to cheating, and I want to keep the game pure. One other thing I would like to change would be there is no split screen, 2 player mode where two could play at the same time. Other than that, it's a great game, and the issues are trivial, but irritating nonetheless. End of rant.
Yes, the store hours are one of the sadistic aspects of the game. Rather than time traveling all the time, consider doing a one-time time shift to better fit your schedule. Keep the Wii time correct and just change the time in the game once and leave it that way (well, unless your schedule changes).

From what I've read, turnips only rot prematurely if you repeat a time in the past. As long as you never overlap a time you've already played, your turnips won't rot prematurely. They'll still rot if you don't sell them by the deadline, though.

You might already know this but Nook will offer you a choice of variety, hours, or balance at some point. Don't say "hours" unless you want him to downgrade back to Nook 'n' Go! Picking "balance" will downgrade him to Nookway. Variety will keep Nookington's. People often pick "hours" thinking they'll get a Nookington's with better hours and then they're shocked a week later when they see a Nook 'n' Go gracing their town once again.
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Yeah, the hours are unfortunate sometimes. I usually have enough time during the day to buy whatever I need/want at Nook's though, so I'm good.

And local splitscreen could be cool, but is it really needed? What would be the point of it?

What bothers me about AC is how your neighbors say most of the time that they need a new phrase or catchphrase (which is pretty much all they ask) and they are always depending on you to come up with something cool or lady like (depending on the person) and if you don't feel like they make a big deal about it. You would think that by now Nintendo would come up with some more decent conversations and topics.:sleep:
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And local splitscreen could be cool, but is it really needed? What would be the point of it?

It would be helpful to those like me who have a son (or anyone) who has a character in the same town that wants to play. As it is now, I have to save and quit so he can get on and do what he needs to, then save and close so I can do what I need to do, and we keep going back and forth like this. An example is Saturday night we both like to get songs from K.K. Slider, but we have to keep switching to get it done. I agree in most cases it wouldn't be used, but in our case it would be handy.
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What bothers me about AC is how your neighbors say most of the time that they need a new phrase or catchphrase (which is pretty much all they ask) and they are always depending on you to come up with something cool or lady like (depending on the person) and if you don't feel like they make a big deal about it. You would think that by now Nintendo would come up with some more decent conversations and topics.:sleep:

Yea that gets pretty annoying. What I usually do is just say I like it, or don't change, but I think that just makes them respond with the same thing more often. There are times I just run away from some of my neighbors if I'm in the middle of doing something.
Annoying gifts?

Yes but... running away from your neighbors is a risk you take. What if it is a gift? or they want to buy something off of you? You might miss something if you run away (usually not...)
There is a 50/50 chance of getting annoying questions.:eek:ut:

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