Whats The Best Connection From GC To Tv?

Component is actually the best connection but only if you have a TV with component inputs, like the one's pictured below. source


This allows for Progressive Scan. If your TV doesn't have component inputs, then S-video will give you the next best, but Progressive Scan won't be possible.

To tell you the truth, I have a 27" tube TV with component and s-video inputs and I have an Xbox. When I changed from composite (the worst input) to an s-video cable, Splinter Cell looked a lot nicer; blacks were much blacker and there was less pixilation. Then I got a component cable and I didn't notice a major difference between it and S-video, so unless you have a high def TV, s-video may be good enough.;)
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NateTheGreat said:
Component is actually the best connection but only if you have a TV with component inputs, like the one's pictured below. source


This allows for Progressive Scan. If your TV doesn't have component inputs, then S-video will give you the next best, but Progressive Scan won't be possible.

To tell you the truth, I have a 27" tube TV with component and s-video inputs and I have an Xbox. When I changed from composite (the worst input) to an s-video cable, Splinter Cell looked a lot nicer; blacks were much blacker and there was less pixilation. Then I got a component cable and I didn't notice a major difference between it and S-video, so unless you have a high def TV, s-video may be good enough.;)
I want to thank you for your advice. You see I bought an HD LCD TV a month and a half ago and the thing never had component inputs so that pissed me off. So after reading what you said I bought an S-Video lead for my gamecube off Ebay thinking that's the best picture I could get but as I later found out Pal Gamecubes dont give out an S-Video picture :wtf:

Earlier today I went to return my tv in the hopes of getting a new one a bit more expensive but I had had it more than 30 days so they just swapped it for the same model. The thing is the new TV was slightly different with component inputs :lol:

Now i'm happy as hell and wanna see if Nintendo release a compenent cable for the Wii then i'll be able to get the best picture possible!

So thanks for your help.

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