What's was so appealing about the Gamecube


WiiChat Member
Sep 29, 2006
hey i was just wondering what appealed to you about the Gamecube besides the games that came out
Back in the days of yore at launch time (2001/2002), I couldn't afford any console because of I didn't have a job and was only a meager secondary school student. The console I would have gotten would have been a GameCube if I had the money because it was the cheapest, $400 as opposed to $700 for the PS2 and $900 for the X-box ($AUD). Secondly, it was the titles, I heard it would have some great games like Rogue Leader, and the Resident Evil series, even though I had not played any then I was still excited about them (the GameCube nut at my school got REmake and invited me over to play it with him sometime, I did and I didn't sleep for a few nights after that).

The time to buy a GameCube for me came towards the end of 2004, in October/November, in commemoration of finishing the TEE and getting my job, I decided to buy a GameCube, seeing as they were only $120 ($AUD) from Toys 'R' Us. I bought about four games that day too, and a 59-block memory card ;)

Ultimately, if the GameCube didn't have its solid exclusive titles, like F-Zero, Super Smash Bros, Mario/Mario Kart and Metroid (I have finally become a Metroid Convert thanks to Prime Hunters :p ) I probably would not have gotten it.
I don't realy like the gamecube... at all. Just a few games were good. No doubt it was one of Nintendo's big mistakes.
I think my friends liked a controller that they could use, because the Xbox and PS2 controllers were big, but I have big hands and I had a fine time.
i like the GCN. i think two reasons i like it is because it was by nintendo and it was in the form of a cube. (those reasons might sound dumb, but what are u going to do about it?)
super smash bros. melee was awesome. but that might all change when brawl comes out.
i liked it For SSBM...and A few other games...but i find the gamecube to suck way to much...indeed nintendo's biggest mistake
Demon Slayer said:
i liked it For SSBM...and A few other games...but i find the gamecube to suck way to much...indeed nintendo's biggest mistake


lazynave said:
hey i was just wondering what appealed to you about the Gamecube besides the games that came out

Nothing and that's why it was a pretty big failure for Nintendo. On the other hand, I believe they have struck gold with the Wii.
I bought Gamecube for the controller. Yes, that's right, I generally buy my systems based on the comfort and style of the controller. At the time, there was only the PS2, which as everyone knows, has a hideously weak controller, and the Xbox which at the time was only being sold with that massive Xbox controller that was too big and weird for my hands. I thought it would be the best because it had better graphics than PS2 and yet was cheaper than Xbox.

I got WaveRace which was pretty and difficult, but after a while, I was like, what's the point in this game? Then, my friend brought over a copy of SSBM and I was hooked. It was funny, he had been playing it for a few weeks and within an hour, I was totally killing him with Fox. I also got this game called Cell Damage, which was a slightly more mature cel-shaded MarioKart-esque game that was actually really fun. I also loved SSX: Tricky, but after the Controller-S came out for Xbox and I played SSX on my cousin's Xbox, as well as a few other games, I sold my GC for Xbox and never looked back. Since most of the games I like are multi-platform, I'm glad I got the Xbox because it always had the best graphics, sound, online multiplayer, etc.

Wii will definetly be soooo much better than the GC and all the good GC games I missed, I can now play on Wii for less money.:D
NateTheGreat said:
I bought Gamecube for the controller. Yes, that's right, I generally buy my systems based on the comfort and style of the controller. At the time, there was only the PS2, which as everyone knows, has a hideously weak controller, and the Xbox which at the time was only being sold with that massive Xbox controller that was too big and weird for my hands. I thought it would be the best because it had better graphics than PS2 and yet was cheaper than Xbox.

I got WaveRace which was pretty and difficult, but after a while, I was like, what's the point in this game? Then, my friend brought over a copy of SSBM and I was hooked. It was funny, he had been playing it for a few weeks and within an hour, I was totally killing him with Fox. I also got this game called Cell Damage, which was a slightly more mature cel-shaded MarioKart-esque game that was actually really fun. I also loved SSX: Tricky, but after the Controller-S came out for Xbox and I played SSX on my cousin's Xbox, as well as a few other games, I sold my GC for Xbox and never looked back. Since most of the games I like are multi-platform, I'm glad I got the Xbox because it always had the best graphics, sound, online multiplayer, etc.

Wii will definetly be soooo much better than the GC and all the good GC games I missed, I can now play on Wii for less money.:D

Correct, i so agree with u. GCN had the best controller, the most comfortable ever. I loved the GCN cause of its controller and those few exclusive titles.

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