Which game is best?


WiiChat Member
Jul 27, 2009
Well as seeing the games most discussed is Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, and Super Mario Strikers Charged.
This wouldn't let me make a poll, so whats your opinions people? What's the best game ?
It has to be between Mario Galaxy and Zelda both of which are very different games,

My vote is for Zelda.
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Well right now I'm debating between Galaxy and Zelda. I'm going to go with zelda since galaxy 2 is coming out soon, but 2nd gams are usually bad. Is metroid really that good?!
Well right now I'm debating between Galaxy and Zelda. I'm going to go with zelda since galaxy 2 is coming out soon, but 2nd gams are usually bad. Is metroid really that good?!

In a word, yes. If you liked the other two games then yeah, your going to like 3. This game was the reason I went with the Wii over the 360, while there were better looking games on the 360 at the time, the point and shoot set up of the Wii-mote/Nun-chuck duo combined with interesting motion controls and more then adequate graphics (Equal to at least my Xbox, a console that was always able to deliver the goods on visuals), I was won over.

It's just a very immersive and fun game with big well designed levels.
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yeah, it sounds pretty sick with samus! :arf: People attack shooter games on wii, but with the controller it looks great. Thanks. What confuses me about metroid is the no multiplayer or online, come in it's a shooter game! I'm gonna check out metroid trilogy. Other good shooter games with good multiplayer is battalion wars and the conduit. Thanks!
I'd suggest Zelda, it is quite a good game. I liked it over Mario Galaxy. Can't say about Metroid cus I have barely played it.
The conduit all the way man. It's got best multiplayer online, best first person capanion.
And u can do wii speak and custamize ur caracture. Sort of like halos version for wii

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