Which is better: SPM or Clasic PM?


Rocker of Life
Jul 28, 2007
I think Nintendo should branch into two franchises:
One with Gameplay like SPM
One with Gameplay like PM or TTYD.
What do you think?
I liked the Classic Paper Mario Series Better, It was longer and more fun. Yeah, I know Super Paper Mario is fun but it doesn't last a while. I like my games to last a while.

Well if they made another classic Paper Mario, it wouldn't use the Wii Remote, most people would use like a Wii Classic Controller, or GC Controller.

Yay since Paper Mario for the N64 is out =], <3 That Game Lol
I downloaded Paper Mario on VC the other day, but I prefer the platforming Mario. Now would you suggest I got SPM if I prefer the platforming?
well, the classic ones are longer because of the turn-based RPG fights, while in SPM its real-time.

for a good-long holiday game, i absolutely LOVE Paper Mario. TTYD was okay, but it just didn't have the charm.

for pick-up-and-play (when there's no text, lol) SPM is the way to go.
I think SPM is more fun, BUT, both pale in comparison to their grandfather series: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

I wish they'd put Mallow in the Mario Sports/Party games.
i just clocked PM1 yesterday (vc) and its alright but i reckon SPM is much better sure when they got rid of turn-based fights i puked but most of PM and PMTTYD is fights and not enough puzzles and action
i have all 3 ,and i prefered Super Paper Mario...i would of rathered they kept it to Mario only as the other characters were more of a hassle switching to. I like the Pixl system it gave it a kind of Legend of Zelda type feel. I think if they made a wii-specifc SPM sequel it would blow this one away.
I personally liked the thousand year door better because it was the only good turn based rpg I knew