who cares about the wii

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who cares about the wii

WiiChat Member
Jun 3, 2006

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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blooming hell, you need help, how can you prefer a bog standard games console, to such a "revolution" (mind the pun) in gaming!! go find a doctor!
You sound like such a Nintendo fanboy. :rolleyes:
tuned said:
Well not all of us are 'fanboys', some just grew up on Nintendo and want our classics back, nothing more, nothing less.

exactly, and i cant bare to see nintendo do so badly(gamecube)
well im not a fan bloke i just play games
no camping out for me (in england here) perorder for the win
nintendo actually did very well.
right now, a 5 year old console., is still outselling a brand new console, the xbox 360...its name is the GAMECUBE! ¬¬ honestly! how on earth can u think it did bad!!??

It might of out sold it but it gave nintendo a bad name in the U.S.
who cares about the wii said:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It doesn't matter if you have problems i can still get along well with you unless you like the PS3 and 360 better then the wii there i cant help you i think that you will need to go to the docter.
nintendo actually did very well.
right now, a 5 year old console., is still outselling a brand new console, the xbox 360...its name is the GAMECUBE! ¬¬ honestly! how on earth can u think it did bad!!??
Because the Gamecube has been out for five years, thats why its outselling it >>
No, the place that said that was talking about the year '05... considering 360 was only out for a month in '05, the GC would out sell it
You guys are trying to rationalize with someone who took the time to register at a forum for a product he's not interested in, solely to be a troll. Let this thread wither and die. This isn't even a general Nintendo forum (though we have sub areas) its a Wii specific forum in intent. Cut this troll loose.
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